Analysis of the Causes of Anemia Based on the Menstrual Cycle, Eating Patterns, and Nutritional Intake in Adolescents

Background: Students as young women are vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia. Anemia in adolescent girls can be caused by factors such as the menstrual cycle, diet, and nutritional intake
Objectives: This research aims to analyze the relationship between the menstrual cycle, diet, intake of protein, iron, and vitamin C with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls
Methods: This observational analytical research involves 104 female students as a sample. Anemia is assessed by measuring the respondent's Hb level. Nutritional intake was assessed using the 24-hour recall method. Data analysis was carried out using the Spearman rank test
Results: The research results stated that there was a relationship between the menstrual cycle (p-value 0.000); diet (p-value 0.000); protein intake (p-value 0.012); iron intake (p-value 0.001); Vitamin C intake (p-value 0.002) with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls.
Conclusion: The existence of this relationship means that the menstrual cycle, eating patterns, and nutritional intake are the causes of anemia in adolescent girls
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