Risk Factors Associated with the Incident of Obesity in Adolescents (Case Study at SMA Negeri 15 Semarang)

Background: One of the nutritional problems in adolescents is obesity. Risk factors for obesity are multifactoral.
Imbalanced consumption of nutrients, high salt consumption, insufficient fiber intake, increased frequency of
consumption of junk food, low physical activity, genetic factors, psychological factors, socio-economic status, diet
programs, age and gender are factors that contribute to adolescent obesity.
Objective: Analyze to determine the risk factors associated with the incidence of adolescent obesity.
Method: Case control study with a total of 80 subjects, cases are obese adolescents and controls are non-obese
adolescents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The independent variables are the level of
adequacy of macronutrient intake, fiber intake, sodium intake, frequency of junk food consumption, physical
activity level, sleep quality, and stress level. The attachment variable is the incidence of obesity in adolescents.
Data analysis used the chi-square test and multiple logistic regression.
Results: Risk factors that were significantly related (p<0.05) to risk factors for obesity in adolescents were energy
intake (p = 0.000); protein intake (p = 0.018); fat intake (p = 0.000); carbohydrate intake (p = 0.001); fiber intake
(p = 0.007); sodium intake (p = 0.000); frequency of junk food consumption (p = 0.023); and physical activity (p
= 0.000). The results of the multiple logistic regression test showed that carbohydrate intake was the most
dominant risk factor for obesity (Exp(B) = 18,743; 95%CI = 2,778-126,457; p = 0.003).
Conclusion: Adolescents with excessive intake of macronutrients and sodium, insufficient fiber intake, frequent
consumption of junk food, and low levels of physical activity are at greater risk of obesity.
Keywords: Adolescent, Obesity, Risk factors
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