Analysis of the Relationship Between Contact Dermatitis and Time
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Background: Contact dermatitis, an inflammation of the skin, arises from direct exposure to substances triggering allergic or inflammatory reactions. Occupational contact dermatitis is influenced by two factors: endogenous and exogenous. An example of an endogenous factor is a history of atopy, while work tenure represents an exogenous factor.
Objective: Analyzing the factors of work duration and atopic history as risk determinants in the relationship of contact dermatitis skin disease among cigarette factory workers (MPS KUD TANI MULYO LAMONGAN).
Method: This research is an analytical epidemiological study using a cross-sectional approach.
Results: The study shows that 49 individuals (60.5%) experienced contact dermatitis among hand-rolled cigarette production workers, with the most significant causes being attributed to endogenous factors related to individual impact. Bivariate analysis conducted using chi-square test and independent t-test indicated that variables associated with contact dermatitis were Atopic history (p=0.000) and work tenure (0.000).
Conclusion: For management, it is recommended to prepare complete facilities and infrastructure for using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and emphasize personal hygiene aligned with job tasks. Workers are expected to comply with PPE usage regulations and maintain good personal hygiene
Keywords: Contact Allergic Dermatitis, Contact Irritant Dermatitis, Occupational Disease
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