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Peer Review Process
All manuscripts received by the Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) will be a selection and assessment process (initial review) by the Managing Editors to ensure their accordance with the writing guideline, focus and scope with excellent academic quality. The manuscripts will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers within the framework of a double-blind policy. If they do not meet the conditions, the author will be given the opportunity to revise their manuscript according to the given criteria. However, there is also the possibility that the manuscript will be directly rejected.
Peer review process: The manuscript has passed the initial review stage will be sent to at least two reviewers who are experts in the field of the submitted manuscript. The reviewers will be provided with an assessment form and are encouraged to provide comments directly on the text of the manuscript. Six weeks is the maximum time for a round of review process. This process can be done in one or more rounds.
Review decision: The reviewer's decision will be considered by the Editors to determine the subsequent process of the manuscript. The following recommendations will be provided by the reviewers:
- Accept submission; means that the manuscript is acceptable for publication without any revisions or changes
- Revision required; means that the manuscript is acceptable for publication after being revised in response to the reviewers' comments
- Resubmit for review; means that substantive inadequacies in the manuscript, such as data analysis or research variable, type of research, the main theory used and rewriting of paragraphs so need to be revised and resubmit
- Decline submission; means that the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication because it is not within the scope of the required research or the review provided is related to a very basic problem
Revision stage: After the manuscript is received with a revision note or re-submission, the manuscript will be sent back to the author with the review form from the reviewers and the revision form. The time given to revise the manuscript is two weeks. When returning the revised manuscript, the author is required to fill in and attach the manuscript revision form provided. If the revised manuscript does not match the comments given by the reviewer, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.
Final decision: The final decision on the acceptability, or otherwise, of manuscripts will be taken by the editor-in-chief based on reviewers' comments presented during an editorial board meeting. Scanning for instances of plagiarism present in manuscripts will be conducted by means of Turnitin software. The manuscript can still be rejected if the author is not serious about making the necessary revisions.
Proofreading process: After the manuscript is approved and accepted by the editor-in-chief based on reviewers' comments presented during an editorial board meeting, the manuscript will undergo a proofreading process using native speaker services to maintain the quality of the language.
Final stage: The final layout of the manuscript will be sent back to the author to ensure that the content matches the author's writing. The author can revise any typos found in the final manuscript. After confirmation from the author is given, the Editor will process the manuscript for online publication on the website as well as print publication.