The present study discusses the strategy of winning the Gerindra party candidates in Sidoarjo. In this case the problem that occurs is the struggle for the seat of Si- doarjo regency DPRD. In this thesis the researcher will explain the winning strat- egies, challenges and obstacles during the campaign process of the Gerindra party candidates. Seeing within the framework of the theory of Firmanzah which states that political marketing is divided into 4 programs (4P) namely: Product, Promo- tion, Price, Place. In this research, it will be seen how the winning strategy carried out by the Gerindra party candidates (Bambang Pudjianto) in electoral districts 2 of Sidoarjo regency, where he is an incumbent candidate who has advanced as a people's representative. His strategy is to rely on 3 products of political jargon; # win us, the medical check-up program and aspiration stalls that reap the enthusias- tic response of citizens. With the strategy carried out by Bambang Pudjianto, he succeeded in attracting the sympathy of the people so that he was re-elected as the sidoarjo district parliament.
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