Journal History
- Yuridika published firstly in 1976 in accordance to Minister of Information Decree Number No. 219/SK/DITJEN/STT/1976 dated on 1976. It was in a printed version with A5 paper size and published three times a year in January, May, and September.
- Article from 1976 to 1990, the article only published the printed version. Then the articles from 1991 to 1997 were in the printed and Yuridika versions also published in the online version in the form of pdf format files.
- From 1998 to 2009 Yuridika published in printed version.
- In 2000, Yuridika has accredited accordance to Minister of Education and Culture Decree Number 69/DIKTI/Kep/2000. Yuridika was accredited again in 2003 in accordance to Minister of Education and Culture Decree Number 34/DIKTI/Kep/2003 (Predicate C).
- From 2010 has been published in full and organized both online and printed versions
- Since 2011, Yuridika is printed on A4 paper size and implementing new guidelines (Guidelines 2011).
- In 2015, Yuridika is published online using OJS platform and acquired its e-ISSN in 2016. New guidelines and Template are implemented (Guidelines 2015), using Mendeley Reference Manager with OSCOLA Style; however, some complementary are provided when citing Indonesian legal sources.
- Since 4 December 2017 based on the Decree Number 48a/E/KPT/2017, Yuridika has been accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia.
- Since Volume 28 No 3 September 2013 to Volume 33 No. 2 May 2018, Yuridika published articles both in Indonesian and English, as an effort for internationalization.
- Starting Volume 33 No. 3 September 2018, Yuridika only accepts articles in English.
- Starting Volume 33 No. 3 September 2018, there are changes on template and abstract as adjustment for English version.
- Starting from edition of Volume 37 No. 1 2022, Yuridika is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).
- Starting from edition of volume 37 no 2 2022, Yuridika will no longer impose APC on the author, but the author must correct at the institution recommended by the Judicial Editor at his own expense.