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- Patients with IRSS I stage have the longest lag time than IVB stage.
- Lag time is no significant with stage retinoblastoma.
Retinoblastoma is a rare neoplasm disease that occurs in children, generally under the age of two. Retinoblastoma is more prevalent in developing countries and is often associated with a late diagnosis. Such delays can lead to a poor prognosis. The time from the appearance of symptoms of retinoblastoma (onset) to the time of diagnosis is called lag time. Early diagnosis of retinoblastoma by paying attention to factors such as age, clinical symptoms, and laterality can help improve retinoblastoma survival rates, especially in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the lag time to the stage of retinoblastoma patients at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. This study was a retrospective analytical observational study using secondary data from retinoblastoma patients at the Ophthalmology Outpatient Unit at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, from January 2014 to December 2018. The data were analyzed using Kendall's tau-C test. No significant correlation was found between lag time and stage (p = 0.339). Patients with International Retinoblastoma Staging System (IRSS) I stage had the longest lag time (on average 28 months), and patients with stage IVB had the shortest lag time (on average four months). There was no correlation between lag time and retinoblastoma stage. However, there was a trend of patients with early stages delaying hospital visits, while patients with advanced stages in earlier to the hospital.
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Aung L, Chan Y, Yeoh E, et al (2009). Retinoblastoma: A recent experience at the National University Hospital, Singapore. Ann. Acad. Med. Singapore 38, 693–698.
Balmer A, Munier F (2007). Differential diagnosis of leukocoria and strabismus, first presenting signs of retinoblastoma. Clin. Ophthalmol. 1, 431–439.
Brasme J, Morfouace M, Grill J, et al (2012). Delays in diagnosis of pediatric cancers: A systematic review and comparison with expert testimony in lawsuits. Lancet Oncol. 13, 445–459.
Butros L, Abramson D, Dunkel I (2002). Delayed diagnosis of retinoblastoma: analysis of degree, cause, and potential consequences. Pediatrics 109, 1–5.
Chang C, Chiou T, Hwang B, et al (2006). Retinoblastoma in Taiwan: Survival rate and prognostic factors. Jpn. J. Ophthalmol. 50, 242–249.
Chantada G, Doz F, Antoneli C, et al (2006). A proposal for an international retinoblastoma staging system. Pediatr. Blood Cancer 47, 801–805.
Chintagumpala M, Chevez-Barrios P, Paysse E, et al (2007). Retinoblastoma: Review of current management. Oncologist 12, 1237–1246.
Dimaras H, Corson T, Cobrinik D, et al (2015). Retinoblastoma. Nat. Rev. Dis. Prim. 1, 1–22.
Dimaras H, Kimani K, Dimba E, et al (2012). Retinoblastoma. Lancet 379, 1436–1446.
Essuman V, Ntim-Amponsah C, Akafo S, et al (2010). Presentation of retinoblastoma at a pediatric eye clinic in Ghana. Ghana Med. J. 44, 10–15.
Fabian I, Naeem Z, Stacey A, et al (2017). Long-term visual acuity, strabismus, and nystagmus outcomes following multimodality treatment in group D retinoblastoma eyes. Am. J. Ophthalmol. 179, 137–144.
Fabian I, Stacey A, Naeem Z, et al (2018). Strabismus in retinoblastoma survivors with long-term follow-up. J. Am. Assoc. Pediatr. Ophthalmol. Strabismus 22, 1–7.
Faranoush M, Hedayati A, Mehrvar A, et al (2014). Consequences of delayed diagnosis in treatment of retinoblastoma. Iran. J. Pediatr. 24, 381–386.
Gao J, Zeng J, Guo B, et al (2016). Clinical presentation and treatment outcome of retinoblastoma in children of South Western China. Medicine (Baltimore). 95, 1–7.
Helveston E (2010). Understanding, detecting, and managing strabismus. Community Eye Heal. 23, 12–14.
Hewitt M, Rowland J, Yancik R (2003). Cancer survivors in the United States: Age, health, and disability. J. Gerontol. 58, 82–91.
Kellie S, Howards S (2008). Global child health priorities: What role for pediatric oncologists? Eur. J. Cancer 44, 2388–2396.
Maki J, Marr B, Abramson D (2009). Diagnosis of retinoblastoma: How good are referring physicians? Ophthalmic Genet. 30, 199–205.
Mattosinho C, Moura A, Oigman G, et al (2019). Time to diagnosis of retinoblastoma in Latin America: A systematic review. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 36, 55–72.
Murthy R, Honavar S, Naik M, et al (2004). Retinoblastoma. In: Modern Ophthalmology. New Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, pp. 849–859.
Naseripour M, Nazari H, Bakhtiari P, et al (2009). Retinoblastoma in iran: Outcomes in terms of patients' survival and globe survival. Br. J. Opththalmology 93, 28–32.
Navo E, Teplisky D, Albero R, et al (2012). Clinical presentation of retinoblastoma in a middle-income country. J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 34, 97–101.
Ortiz M, Dunkel I (2015). Retinoblastoma. J. Child Neurol. 31, 227–236.
Posner M, Jaulim A, Vasalaki M, et al (2017). Lag time for retinoblastoma in the uk revisited: A retrospective analysis. BMJ Open 7, 1–6.
Ramirez-Ortiz M, Ponce-Castañeda M, Cabrera-Muñoz M, et al (2014). Diagnostic delay and sociodemographic predictors of stage at diagnosis and mortality in unilateral and bilateral retinoblastoma. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 23, 784–792.
Reddy S, Anusya S (2010). Clinical presentation of retinoblastoma in Malaysia: A review of 64 patients. Int. J. Ophthalmol. 3, 64–68.
Reese A, Ellsworth R (1963). The evaluation and current concept of retinoblastoma therapy. Trans. - Am. Acad. Ophthalmol. Otolaryngol. 67, 164–172.
Rodrigues K, Latorre M, de Camargo B (2004). Atraso diagnóstico do retinoblastoma. J. Pediatr. (Rio. J). 80, 511–516.
Sahu S, Banavali S, Pai S, et al (1998). Retinoblastoma: Problems and perspectives from India. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 15, 501–508.
Shields J, Shields C (1993). Ocular tumors of childhood. Pediatr. Clin. North Am. 40, 805–826.
Xiao W, Ye H, Zeng H, et al (2019). Associations among socioeconomic factors, lag time, and high-risk histopathologic features in eyes primarily enucleated for retinoblastoma. Curr. Eye Res. 44, 1144–1149.