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- Ahsan N, Palmer BF, Wheeler D, Greenlee RG Jr, Toto RD (1994). Intravenous immunoglobulin-induced osmotic nephrosis. Arch Intern Med 154, 1985–1987
- Al-Khafaji A and Webb AR (2004). Fluid resuscitation. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain 4, 127–131
- Baron JF (2000b). Crystalloids versus colloids in the treatment of hypovolemic shock. In: Vincent JL (ed). Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2000, New York, Springer, p 443–466
- Baron JF (2000a). Adverse effects of colloids on renal function. In: Vincent JL (ed). Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2000, New York, Springer, p 486–493
- Brunkhorst FM, Engel C, Bloos F, Meier-Hellmann A, Ragaller M, Weiler N, Moerer O, Gruendling M, Oppert M, Grond S, Olthoff D, Jaschinski U, John S, Rossaint R, Welte T, Schaefer M, Kern P, Kuhnt E, Kiehntopf M, Hartog C, Natanson C, Loeffler M, Reinhart K; German Competence Network Sepsis (SepNet) (2008). Intensive insulin therapy and pentastarch resuscitation in severe sepsis. N Engl J Med 358, 125-139
- Cittanova ML, Leblanc I, Legendre C, Mouquet C, Riou B, Coriat P (1996). Effect of hydroxyethylstarch in brain-dead kidney donors on renal function in kidney-transplant recipients. Lancet 348, 1620-1622
- Dehne MG, Mühling J, Sablotzki A, Dehne K, Sucke N, Hempelmann G (2001). Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) does not directly affect renal function in patients with no prior renal impairment. J Clin Anesth 13, 103-111
- Deman A, Peeters P, Sennesael J (1999). Hydroxyethyl starch does not impair immediate renal function in kidney transplant recipients: a retrospective, multicentre analysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 14, 1517-1520
- Diehl JT, Lester JL 3rd, Cosgrove DM (1982). Clinical comparison of hetastarch and albumin in postoperative cardiac patients. Ann Thorac Surg 34, 674–679
- Diomi P, Ericsson JL, Matheson NA (1970). Effects of dextran 40 on urine flow and composition during renal hypoperfusion in dogs with osmotic nephrosis. Ann Surg 172, 813–824
- DiScala VA, Mautner W, Cohen JA, Levitt MF, Churg J, Yunis SL (1965). Tubular alterations produced by osmotic diuresis with mannitol. Ann Intern Med 63, 767–775
- Guidet B, Martinet O, Boulain T, Philippart F, Poussel JF, Maizel J, Forceville X, Feissel M, Hasselmann M, Heininger A, Van Aken H (2012). Assessment of hemodynamic efficacy and safety of 6% hydroxyethylstarch 130/0.4 vs. 0.9% NaCl fluid replacement in patients with severe sepsis: the CRYSTMAS study. Crit Care 16, R94
- Hauet T, Faure JP, Baumert H, Bardou A, Gibelin H, Beguinot S, Germonville T, Hebrard W, Choulet P, Carretier M, Eugene M (1998). Influence of different colloids on hemodynamic and renal functions: comparative study in an isolated perfused pig kidney model. Transplant Proc 30, 2796-2797
- Kumle B, Boldt J, Piper S, Schmidt C, Suttner S, Salopek S (1999). The influence of different intravascular volume replacement regimens on renal function in the elderly. Anesth Analg 89, 1124-1130
- Legendre C, Thervet E, Page B, Percheron A, Noí«l LH, Kreis H (1993). Hydroxyethylstarch and osmotic-nephrosis-like lesions in kidney transplantation. Lancet 342, 248-249
- Macintyre E, Mackie IJ, Ho D, Tinker J, Bullen C, Machin SJ (1985). The haemostatic effects of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) used as a volume expander. Intensive Care Med 11, 300-303
- Matheson N and Diomi P (1970). Renal failure after the administration of dextran 40. Surg Gynecol Obstet 131, 661–668
- Moggio RA, Rha CC, Somberg ED, Praeger PI, Pooley RW, Reed GE (1983). Hemodynamic comparison of albumin and hydroxyethyl starch in postoperative cardiac surgery patients. Crit Care Med 11, 943-945
- Moran M and Kapsner C (1987). Acute renal failure associated with elevated plasma oncotic pressure. N Engl J Med 317, 150-153
- Morisaki H, Bloos F, Keys J, Martin C, Neal A, Sibbald WJ (1994). Compared with crystalloid, colloid therapy slows progression of extrapulmonary tissue injury in septic sheep. J Appl Physiol 77, 1507-1518
- Munsch CM, MacIntyre E, Machin SJ, Mackie IJ, Treasure T (1988). Hydroxyethyl starch: an alternative to plasma for postoperative volume expansion after cardiac surgery. Br J Surg 75, 675-678
- Mutter TC, Ruth CA, Dart AB (2013). Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) versus other fluid therapies: effects on kidney function. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 7, CD007594
- Myburgh JA and Mythen MG (2013). Resuscitation fluids. N Engl J Med 369, 1243–1251
- Neff TA, Doelberg M, Jungheinrich C, Sauerland A, Spahn DR, Stocker R (2003). Repetitive large-dose infusion of the novel hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 in patients with severe head injury. Anesth Analg 96, 1453-1459
- Novikov M and Smith CE (2008). Fluid and blood therapy in trauma. International Trauma Care 18, 42–56
- Schortgen F, Lacherade JC, Bruneel F, Cattaneo I, Hemery F, Lemaire F, Brochard L (2001). Effects of hydroxyethylstarch and gelatin on renal function in severe sepsis: a multicentre randomised study. Lancet 357, 911-916
- Spaniol JR, Knight AR, Zebley JL, Anderson D, Pierce JD (2007). Fluid resuscitation therapy for hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma Nurs 14, 152-160
- Stainsby D, MacLennan S, Hamilton PJ (2000). Management of massive blood loss: a template guideline. Br J Anaesth 85, 487-491
- Standl T, Lipfert B, Reeker W, Schulte am Esch J, Lorke DE (1996). Acute effects of complete blood exchange with ultra-purified hemoglobin solution or hydroxyethyl starch on liver and kidney in the animal model. Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 31, 354-361
- Zarychanski R, Abou-Setta AM, Turgeon AF, Houston BL, McIntyre L, Marshall JC, Fergusson DA (2013). Association of hydroxyethyl starch administration with mortality and acute kidney injury in critically ill patients requiring volume resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA 309, 678-688
Ahsan N, Palmer BF, Wheeler D, Greenlee RG Jr, Toto RD (1994). Intravenous immunoglobulin-induced osmotic nephrosis. Arch Intern Med 154, 1985–1987
Al-Khafaji A and Webb AR (2004). Fluid resuscitation. Contin Educ Anaesth Crit Care Pain 4, 127–131
Baron JF (2000b). Crystalloids versus colloids in the treatment of hypovolemic shock. In: Vincent JL (ed). Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2000, New York, Springer, p 443–466
Baron JF (2000a). Adverse effects of colloids on renal function. In: Vincent JL (ed). Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2000, New York, Springer, p 486–493
Brunkhorst FM, Engel C, Bloos F, Meier-Hellmann A, Ragaller M, Weiler N, Moerer O, Gruendling M, Oppert M, Grond S, Olthoff D, Jaschinski U, John S, Rossaint R, Welte T, Schaefer M, Kern P, Kuhnt E, Kiehntopf M, Hartog C, Natanson C, Loeffler M, Reinhart K; German Competence Network Sepsis (SepNet) (2008). Intensive insulin therapy and pentastarch resuscitation in severe sepsis. N Engl J Med 358, 125-139
Cittanova ML, Leblanc I, Legendre C, Mouquet C, Riou B, Coriat P (1996). Effect of hydroxyethylstarch in brain-dead kidney donors on renal function in kidney-transplant recipients. Lancet 348, 1620-1622
Dehne MG, Mühling J, Sablotzki A, Dehne K, Sucke N, Hempelmann G (2001). Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) does not directly affect renal function in patients with no prior renal impairment. J Clin Anesth 13, 103-111
Deman A, Peeters P, Sennesael J (1999). Hydroxyethyl starch does not impair immediate renal function in kidney transplant recipients: a retrospective, multicentre analysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 14, 1517-1520
Diehl JT, Lester JL 3rd, Cosgrove DM (1982). Clinical comparison of hetastarch and albumin in postoperative cardiac patients. Ann Thorac Surg 34, 674–679
Diomi P, Ericsson JL, Matheson NA (1970). Effects of dextran 40 on urine flow and composition during renal hypoperfusion in dogs with osmotic nephrosis. Ann Surg 172, 813–824
DiScala VA, Mautner W, Cohen JA, Levitt MF, Churg J, Yunis SL (1965). Tubular alterations produced by osmotic diuresis with mannitol. Ann Intern Med 63, 767–775
Guidet B, Martinet O, Boulain T, Philippart F, Poussel JF, Maizel J, Forceville X, Feissel M, Hasselmann M, Heininger A, Van Aken H (2012). Assessment of hemodynamic efficacy and safety of 6% hydroxyethylstarch 130/0.4 vs. 0.9% NaCl fluid replacement in patients with severe sepsis: the CRYSTMAS study. Crit Care 16, R94
Hauet T, Faure JP, Baumert H, Bardou A, Gibelin H, Beguinot S, Germonville T, Hebrard W, Choulet P, Carretier M, Eugene M (1998). Influence of different colloids on hemodynamic and renal functions: comparative study in an isolated perfused pig kidney model. Transplant Proc 30, 2796-2797
Kumle B, Boldt J, Piper S, Schmidt C, Suttner S, Salopek S (1999). The influence of different intravascular volume replacement regimens on renal function in the elderly. Anesth Analg 89, 1124-1130
Legendre C, Thervet E, Page B, Percheron A, Noí«l LH, Kreis H (1993). Hydroxyethylstarch and osmotic-nephrosis-like lesions in kidney transplantation. Lancet 342, 248-249
Macintyre E, Mackie IJ, Ho D, Tinker J, Bullen C, Machin SJ (1985). The haemostatic effects of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) used as a volume expander. Intensive Care Med 11, 300-303
Matheson N and Diomi P (1970). Renal failure after the administration of dextran 40. Surg Gynecol Obstet 131, 661–668
Moggio RA, Rha CC, Somberg ED, Praeger PI, Pooley RW, Reed GE (1983). Hemodynamic comparison of albumin and hydroxyethyl starch in postoperative cardiac surgery patients. Crit Care Med 11, 943-945
Moran M and Kapsner C (1987). Acute renal failure associated with elevated plasma oncotic pressure. N Engl J Med 317, 150-153
Morisaki H, Bloos F, Keys J, Martin C, Neal A, Sibbald WJ (1994). Compared with crystalloid, colloid therapy slows progression of extrapulmonary tissue injury in septic sheep. J Appl Physiol 77, 1507-1518
Munsch CM, MacIntyre E, Machin SJ, Mackie IJ, Treasure T (1988). Hydroxyethyl starch: an alternative to plasma for postoperative volume expansion after cardiac surgery. Br J Surg 75, 675-678
Mutter TC, Ruth CA, Dart AB (2013). Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) versus other fluid therapies: effects on kidney function. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 7, CD007594
Myburgh JA and Mythen MG (2013). Resuscitation fluids. N Engl J Med 369, 1243–1251
Neff TA, Doelberg M, Jungheinrich C, Sauerland A, Spahn DR, Stocker R (2003). Repetitive large-dose infusion of the novel hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 in patients with severe head injury. Anesth Analg 96, 1453-1459
Novikov M and Smith CE (2008). Fluid and blood therapy in trauma. International Trauma Care 18, 42–56
Schortgen F, Lacherade JC, Bruneel F, Cattaneo I, Hemery F, Lemaire F, Brochard L (2001). Effects of hydroxyethylstarch and gelatin on renal function in severe sepsis: a multicentre randomised study. Lancet 357, 911-916
Spaniol JR, Knight AR, Zebley JL, Anderson D, Pierce JD (2007). Fluid resuscitation therapy for hemorrhagic shock. J Trauma Nurs 14, 152-160
Stainsby D, MacLennan S, Hamilton PJ (2000). Management of massive blood loss: a template guideline. Br J Anaesth 85, 487-491
Standl T, Lipfert B, Reeker W, Schulte am Esch J, Lorke DE (1996). Acute effects of complete blood exchange with ultra-purified hemoglobin solution or hydroxyethyl starch on liver and kidney in the animal model. Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 31, 354-361
Zarychanski R, Abou-Setta AM, Turgeon AF, Houston BL, McIntyre L, Marshall JC, Fergusson DA (2013). Association of hydroxyethyl starch administration with mortality and acute kidney injury in critically ill patients requiring volume resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA 309, 678-688