Main Article Content
- There was an increase in the accumulation of B3 waste in health centers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The knowledge and skills level of health center staff in medical THM waste management before and after medical THM waste management training were determined.
- Medical THM waste management training was increasing the knowledge and skills level of health center staff.
The generation of medical toxic and hazardous material (THM) waste at public health centers tends to increase during the Covid-19 pandemic. Only 6.89% of the health centers have medical waste management practices that meet the standards. Medical waste management practices not in accordance with the procedures can be a source of infection, even though only 56% of health workers have good knowledge and attitudes in solid medical waste management. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the skills of health center staff in managing medical THM waste during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge and skills of health center staff in medical THM waste management before and after medical THM waste management training. The training participants were 20 health center staffs who filled out a pretest questionnaire to measure their level of knowledge and skills prior to the training. The training materials include THM waste, medical THM waste, medical THM waste management and medical THM Temporary Storage. After the training, a post-test was conducted to measure the knowledge and skills scores of the trainees. The results of this study indicated that there was a significant difference in knowledge before and after training (p < 0.05). The average knowledge score before training was 6.2 (sufficient knowledge) and after training 8.15 (good knowledge). There was a significant difference in skill scores before and after training (p <0.05). The average skill before training was 6.3 (adequate) and after training 8.65 (good). In conclusion, there was an increase in the skills of health center staff in managing medical THM waste during covid-19 pandemic after participating in medical THM waste management training by the Community Service Team, Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
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Chand A, Lal P, Prasad K, et al (2021). Practice, benefits, and impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) during covid-19 pandemic: Envisioning the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) through the lens of clean water sanitation, life below water, and life on land in Fiji. Ann. Med. Surg. 70, 1–13.
Cut K (2015). Hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan ketersediaan fasilitas dengan praktik petugas pengumpul limbah medis di Rumah Sakit Umum Cut Meutia Kabupaten Aceh Utara tahun 2015. Averroes 1, 23–37.
Ferronato N, Torretta V (2019). Waste Mismanagement in Developing Countries: A Review of Global Issues. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16, 1–28.
Fibriana L, Kushayati N, Aprilin H, et al (2021). Community empowerment through health promotion regarding prevention of the spread of covid-19 in East Java. J. Qualifty Public Heal. 4, 21–25.
Hakim R, Wijaya S, Abhipraya F (2021). Efektivitas pemerintah dalam sosialisasi gerakan 5M kepada masyarakat. War. Governare J. Pemerintah. 2, 154–172.
Ministry of Health (2020). Pedoman pengelolaan limbah rumah sakit rujukan, rumah sakit darurat dan puskesmas yang menangani pasien Covid-19. Jakarta.
Lindner A, Nikolai O, Rohardt C, et al (2021). Head-to-head comparison of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detecting rapid test with professional-collected nasal versus nasopharyngeal swab. Eur. Respir. J. 57, 1–4.
Maharani A, Afriandi I, Nnurhayati T (2017). Pengetahuan dan sikap tenaga kesehatan terhadap pengelolaan limbah medis pada pada salah satu rumah sakit di kota Bandung. J. Sist. Kesehat. 3, 84–89.
McCarthy R, Gino B, D'Entremont P, et al (2020). The importance of personal protective equipment designand donning and doffing technique in mitigating infectious disease spread: A technical report. Cureus 12, 1–15.
Pangihutan S (2019). Factors related to behavior of using personal protective equipment on filling Lithos workers. Indones. J. Occup. Saf. Heal. 8, 302–309.
Prihartanto P (2020). Penelitian-penelitian tentang timbulan limbah B3 medis dan rumah tangga selama bencana pandemic covid-19. J. Alami J. Teknol. Reduksi Risiko Bencana 4, 134–141.
Puangmanee S, Jearanai M (2020). Management of soolid waste from government health centers in the Southern Andaman Coast to Thailand. Int. J. Sustain. Dev. Plan. 15, 45–56.
Rahayu C, Sahli M (2020). Patient service management in the management in the community health centers during the covid-19 pandemic. J. Keperawatan 12, 935–942.
Sitompul T, Meilani P, Salsabila S, et al (2021). SILACAK: Bagaimana penggunaan aplikasi pelacakan kasus kontak erat covid-19 di Indonesia. Indones. Heal. Inf. Manag. J. 9, 127–137.
Subhi M (2020). Webinar pengelolaan limbah medis pada fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di masa pandemi covid-19. In: Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH 2020). Universitas Widyagama, Malang, pp. 1191–1198.
Wan K, Tok P, Ratnam K, et al (2021). Implementation of a COVID-19 surveillance programme for healthcare workers in a teaching hospital in an upper-middle-income country. PLoS One 16, 1–15.