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Baker R (2011). Understanding Panic Attack and Overcoming Fear, England, Lion Hudson plc
Bloom BS (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Book 1: Cogntive Domain, 2nd ed, Boston, Addison Wesley Publishing Company
BPJS (Social Security Agency) (2013). Data Kecelakaan Kerja Jawa Timur, Surabaya
BPTK (Bureau of Labor Training) (2010). Data Kecelakaan Kerja, Jakarta, Balai Pelatihan Tenaga Kerja
Gordon NP (1986). the prevalence and health impact of shiftwork. American Journal of Public Health 76. Available from Accessed January 22, 2013
Green WL (1980). Health Education Planning: A Diagnostik Approach, 1st ed, California, Mayfield Publishing Company
Keliat BA (1992). Gangguan Konsep Diri, Jakarta, PB Kedokteran EGC
Lazarus RS and Folkman S (1984). Stress, Appraisal, and Coping, New York, Springer
Mohammad I (2009). The relationship between job stress and occupational accidents in an automobile manufacturing company. Journal of Khermanshah University of Medical Science
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (1998). Stress At Work. Available from Accessed January 22, 2013
Notoatmodjo S (2003). Pendidikan dan Perilaku Kesejatan, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta
Pratiknya W (2007). Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Jakarta, PT Raja Grafindo Persada
Rasmussen J (1982). Human errors: a taxonomy for describing human malfunction in industrial installations. Journal of Occupational Accidents 4
Samosir ZZ and Syahfitri I (2008). Faktor penyebab stres kerja pustakwan pada perpustakaan Universitas Sumatera Utara. Jurnal Studi Perpustakaan dan Informasi 4, 60-69
Sauter S, Hurrell J, Murphy L, Levi L (1997). Psychosocial and organizational factors. In: Stellman J (ed). Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety Vol 1, Geneva, International Labour Office
Suma'mur. (1989). Higiene Perusahaan dan Kesehatan Kerja (Hiperkes), Jakarta, Sagung Seto
Suprapto HPP (2008). Hubungan antara stres kerja dengan risiko kecelakaan kerja pada karyawan. Bachelor Thesis. Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta