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- AlHakeim, H. K., Auda, F. M. & Ali, B. M., 2014. Lack of Correlation between Nonlabile Iron Parameters, Total Carbonyl, and Malondialdehyde in Major Thalassemia. Journal of Clinical Biochemis-try and Nutrition, Volume 55(3), p. 203–206.
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AlHakeim, H. K., Auda, F. M. & Ali, B. M., 2014. Lack of Correlation between Nonlabile Iron Parameters, Total Carbonyl, and Malondialdehyde in Major Thalassemia. Journal of Clinical Biochemis-try and Nutrition, Volume 55(3), p. 203–206.
Arijanty, L. & Nasar, S. S., 2003. Masalah Nutrisi pada Thalassemia. Sari Pediatri, Volume 5, pp. 21-26.
Ayala, A., Muñoz, M. F. & Argüelles, S., 2014. Lipid Peroxidation: Production, Metabolism, and Signal-ing Mechanisms of Malondialdehyde and 4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Volume 2014, pp. 1-31.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2007. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
Bhagat, S. S. et al., 2012. A Study on the Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress: the Effects of Oral Therapeutic Supplementation on the Iron Concentration and the Product of Lipid Peroxidation in ï‚ Thalassemia Major. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Volume 6, pp. 1144-1147.
Bhagat, S. S. et al., 2013. Attenuation of Serum Ferritin and Iron Burden by Intake of Antioxidants in ï‚ Thalassemia Major. Indian Journal Physiology Pharmacology, Volume 57(2), p. 189–194.
Das, N., Chowdhury, T. D., Chattopadhyay, A. & Datta, A. G., 2004. Attenuation of Oxidative Stress-Induced Changes in Thalassemic Erythrocytes by Vitamin E. Polish Journal Pharmacology, Volume 56, pp. 85-96.
Dissayabutra, T., Tosukhowong, P. & Seksan, P., 2005. The Benefits of Vitamin C and Vitamin E in Children with ï¢-thalassemia with High Oxidative Stress. Journal of The Medical Association of Thailand, Volume 88(Suppl 4), pp. S317-21.
Fang, Y.-Z., Yang, S. & Wu, G., 2002. Free Radicals, Antioxidants, and Nutrition. Nutrition, Volume 18, p. 872–879.
Fitrianto, A., Tamam, M. & Widyastiti, N. S., 2014. Vitamin E Effect on Osmotic Fragility in B Thalassemia Major. Paediatrica Indonesiana, Volume 54, pp. 280-3.
Fucharoen, S. & Weatherall, D. J., 2012. The Hemoglobin E Thalassemias. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, Volume 2, p. a011734.
Goswami, K., Ghosh, S., Bandyopadhyay, M. & Mukherjee, K., 2005. Iron Store and Free Radicals in Thalassemia. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, Volume 20(2), pp. 192-194.
Gultom, F. & Adhiyanto, C., 2004. Efek Pemberian Antioksidan Tokoferol Alfa terhadap Membran Sel Darah Merah Talasemia. Indonesian Journal of Dentistry, Volume 11(2), pp. 71-72.
Gunarsih, A., Amalia, P. & Boediman, I., 2012. Variables Associated with Malondialdehyde Level in Thalassemia Major Patients. Paediatrica Indonesiana, Volume 52(3), pp. 125-131.
Mahjoub, S., Tamaddoni, A., Nikoo, M. Z. & Moghadamnia, A. A., 2007. The Effects of ï‚-Carotene and Vitamin E on Erythrocytes Lipid Peroxidation in ï‚-Thalassemia Patients. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, Volume 12(6), pp. S317-S321.
Rachmilewitz, E. A. & Giardina, P. J., 2011. How I Treat Thalassemia. Blood Journal, Volume 118, pp. 3479-3488.
Rashidi, M. et al., 2011. Effects of Vitamin E and Zinc Supplementation on Antioxidants in ï‚ Thalassemia Major Patients. Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 21(1), pp. 8-14.
Saud, A. M., 2012. Molecular and Biochemical Study on ï¢-thalassemia Patients in Iraq. Thesis.
Tamam, M. et al., 2012. Hubungan antara Stres Oksidatif dengan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Penderita Thalassemia/Hbe. Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya, Volume 27(1), pp. 38-42.
World Health Organization, 2013. Birth Defects In South-east Asia A Public Health Challenge. New Delhi: World Health Organization.