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- Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S (2007). Immediate hypersensitivity. In Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S eds. Cellular and molecular immunology. 6th ed, New York, Elsevier, p 441-461
- Abdulrazzaq YM, Bener A, DeBuse P (1994). Association of allergic symptoms in children with those in their parents. Allergy 49, 737-743
- Agua-Doce A, Graca L (2012). Regulatory T cells and the control of the allergic response. Journal of Allergy, article ID 948901, doi: 10.1155/2012/948901.
- Alford SH, Zoratti E, Peterson EL, Maliarik M, Ownby DR, Johnson CC (2004). Parental history of atopic disease: disease pattern and risk of pediatric atopy in offspring. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immuno-logy 114, 1046-1050
- Arshad SH, Karmaus W, Raza A, et al (2012). The effect of parental allergy on childhood allergic diseases depends on the sex of the child. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 130, 427-434
- Attena F, Agozzino E, Toscano G, Fedele N (1999). Prevalence of asthma among young men in a military recruitment office of South Italy. European Journal of Epidemiology 15, 569-572
- Bernsen RMD, de Jongste JC, van der Wouden JC (2003). Birth order and sibship size as independent risk factors for asthma, allergy, and eczema. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 14, 464-469
- Braback L, Breborowicz A, Dreborg S, Knutsson A, Pieklik H, Björkstén B (1994). Atopic sensitization and respiratory symptoms among Polish and Swedish school children. Clinical and Experinmental Allergy 24, 826–835
- Braback L, Breborowicz A, Julge K, Knutsson A, Riikjärv MA, Vasar M, Björkstén B (1995). Risk factors for respiratory symptoms and atopic sensiti-zation in the Baltic area. Archives of Disease in Childhood 72, 487–493
- Calderón MA, Linneberg A, Kleine-Tebbe J, et al (2015). Respiratory allergy caused by house dust mites: what do we really know? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 136, 38-48
- Christensen SH, Timm S, Janson C, et al (2016). A clear urban-rural gradient of allergic rhinitis in a popula-tion-based study in Northern Europe. European Clinical Respiratory Journal 3, 33463. doi:10.3402/ ecrj.v3.33463.
- Cullinan P, MacNeill SJ, Harris JM, et al (2004). Early allergen exposure, skin prick responses, and atopic wheeze at age 5 in English children: a cohort study. Thorax 59, 855-861
- Dold S, Wjst M, von Mutius E, Reitmeir P, Stiepel E (1992). Genetic risk for asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis. Archives of Disease in Childhood 67, 1018-1022
- Garn H, Renz H (2007). Epidemiological and immuno-logical evidence for the hygiene hypothesis. Immunobiology 212, 441-452
- Huss K, Adkinson NF Jr, Eggleston PA, et al (2001). House dust mite and cockroach exposure are strong risk factors for positive allergy skin test responses in the Childhood Asthma Management Program*. Jour-nal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 107, 48-54
- Karmaus W, Arshad H, Mattes J (2001). Does the sibling effect have its origin in utero? Investigating birth order, cord blood immunoglobulin E concentration, and allergic sensitization at age 4 years. American Journal of Epidemiology 154, 909-915
- Karmaus W, Botezan C (2002). Does a higher number of siblings protect against the development of allergy and asthma? A review. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 56, 209-217
- Kay AB (2001). Allergy and allergic disease (first of two parts). New England Journal of Medicine 344, 30-37
- Korol D, Kaczmarski M (2001). Positive family history of allergy in children with hypersensitivity to cow's milk. Medical Science Monitor 7, 966-970
- Kumar Y, Bathia A (2013). Immunopathogenesis of allergic disorders: current concepts. Expert Review in Clinical Immunology 9, 211-226
- Lim RH, Kobzik L, Dahl M (2010). Risk for asthma in offspring of asthmatic mothers versus fathers: a meta-analysis. PLoS One 5, e10134. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0010134.
- Litonjua AA, Carey VJ, Burge HA, Weiss ST, Gold DR (1998). Parental history and the risk for childhood asthma. Does mother confer more risk than father? American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 158, 176-181
- Mattes J, Karmaus W, Moseler M, Frischer T, Kuehr J (1998). Accumulation of atopic disorders within families: a sibling effect only in the offspring of atopic fathers. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 28, 1480-1486
- Rona RJ, Duran-Tauleria E, Chinn S (1997). Family size, atopic disorders in parents, asthma in children, and ethnicity. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 99, 454-460
- Schlesselman JJ (1982). Sample size. In: Case control studies design conduct analysis, New York, Oxford University Press, p 144-147
- Sears MR, Chow CM, Morseth DJ (1980). Serum total IgE in normal subjects and the influence of family history of allergy. Clinical Allergy 10, 423-431
- Soeroso J (1994). A study on risk factors associated with osteoarthritis of the knee at the Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. A Thesis. University of The Philippines Clinical Epidemiology Unit, College of Medicine, Manila, p 36-66
- Suharto (2006). Asosiasi antara manifestasi klinis penyakit alergi atopi pada orang tua dengan manifestasi klinis penyakit alergi atopi pada keturun-annya. A Thesis for Internal Medicine Specialist degree in Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Steinke JW, Borish L (2006). Genetics of allergic disease. The Medical Clinics of North America 90, 1-15
- Strachan DP (1989). Hay fever, hygiene and household size. British Medical Journal 299, 1259-1260
- Strachan DP (1997). Allergy and family size: a riddle worth solving. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 27, 235-236
- Sunyer J, Antó JM, Harris J, et al (2001). AMICS study. Asthma Multi-centre Infants Cohort Study. Maternal atopy and parity. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 31, 1352-1355
- The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Steering Committee (1998). Worldwide variations in the prevalence of asthma symptoms: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). European Respiratory Journal 12, 315-335
- Thomsen SF, Kyvik KO, Backer V (2008). Etiological relationships in atopy: a review of twin studies. Twin Research and Human Genetics 11, 112-120
- Torrent M, Sunyer J, Munoz L, et al (2006). Early-life domestic aeroallergen exposure and IgE sensitization at age 4 years. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immu-nology 118, 742-748
- van den Biggelaar AH, van Ree R, Rodrigues LC, et al (2000). Decreased atopy in children infected with Schistosoma haematobium: a role for parasite-induced interleukin-10. Lancet 356, 1723-1727
- Veiga-Parga T, Sehrawat S, Rouse BT (2013). Role of regulatory T cells during virus infection. Immunologic Review 255, 182-196
- von Mutius E, Fritzsch C, Weiland SK, Röll G, Magnussen H (1992). Prevalence of asthma and allergic disorders among children in united Germany: a descriptive comparison. British Medical Journal 305, 1395-1399
- von Mutius E, Weiland SK, Fritzsch C, Duhme H, Keil U (1998). Increasing prevalence of hay fever and atopy amomg children in Leipzig, East Germany. Lancet 351, 862-866
- von Mutius E (2004). Influences in allergy: Epidemio-logy and the environment. Journal of Clinical Immu-nology 113, 373-379
- Weiland SK, von Mutius E, Hirsch T, et al (1999). Prevalence of respiratory and atopic disorders among children in the East and West of Germany five years after unification. European Respiratory Journal 14, 862-870
- Westergaard T, Begtrup K, Rostgaard K, Krause TG, Benn CS, Melbye M (2003). Reproductive history and allergic rhinitis among 31145 Danish women. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 33, 301-305
- Wohlfert E, Belkaid Y (2008). Role of endogenous and induced regulatory T cells during infections. Journal of Clinical Immunology 28, 707-715
- Yilmaz-Demirdag Y, Prather B, Bahna SL (2010). Does heredity determine the allergy manifestation or the sensitisation to a specific allergen? Allergologia et Immunopathologia 38, 56-59
Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S (2007). Immediate hypersensitivity. In Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S eds. Cellular and molecular immunology. 6th ed, New York, Elsevier, p 441-461
Abdulrazzaq YM, Bener A, DeBuse P (1994). Association of allergic symptoms in children with those in their parents. Allergy 49, 737-743
Agua-Doce A, Graca L (2012). Regulatory T cells and the control of the allergic response. Journal of Allergy, article ID 948901, doi: 10.1155/2012/948901.
Alford SH, Zoratti E, Peterson EL, Maliarik M, Ownby DR, Johnson CC (2004). Parental history of atopic disease: disease pattern and risk of pediatric atopy in offspring. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immuno-logy 114, 1046-1050
Arshad SH, Karmaus W, Raza A, et al (2012). The effect of parental allergy on childhood allergic diseases depends on the sex of the child. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 130, 427-434
Attena F, Agozzino E, Toscano G, Fedele N (1999). Prevalence of asthma among young men in a military recruitment office of South Italy. European Journal of Epidemiology 15, 569-572
Bernsen RMD, de Jongste JC, van der Wouden JC (2003). Birth order and sibship size as independent risk factors for asthma, allergy, and eczema. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 14, 464-469
Braback L, Breborowicz A, Dreborg S, Knutsson A, Pieklik H, Björkstén B (1994). Atopic sensitization and respiratory symptoms among Polish and Swedish school children. Clinical and Experinmental Allergy 24, 826–835
Braback L, Breborowicz A, Julge K, Knutsson A, Riikjärv MA, Vasar M, Björkstén B (1995). Risk factors for respiratory symptoms and atopic sensiti-zation in the Baltic area. Archives of Disease in Childhood 72, 487–493
Calderón MA, Linneberg A, Kleine-Tebbe J, et al (2015). Respiratory allergy caused by house dust mites: what do we really know? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 136, 38-48
Christensen SH, Timm S, Janson C, et al (2016). A clear urban-rural gradient of allergic rhinitis in a popula-tion-based study in Northern Europe. European Clinical Respiratory Journal 3, 33463. doi:10.3402/ ecrj.v3.33463.
Cullinan P, MacNeill SJ, Harris JM, et al (2004). Early allergen exposure, skin prick responses, and atopic wheeze at age 5 in English children: a cohort study. Thorax 59, 855-861
Dold S, Wjst M, von Mutius E, Reitmeir P, Stiepel E (1992). Genetic risk for asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis. Archives of Disease in Childhood 67, 1018-1022
Garn H, Renz H (2007). Epidemiological and immuno-logical evidence for the hygiene hypothesis. Immunobiology 212, 441-452
Huss K, Adkinson NF Jr, Eggleston PA, et al (2001). House dust mite and cockroach exposure are strong risk factors for positive allergy skin test responses in the Childhood Asthma Management Program*. Jour-nal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 107, 48-54
Karmaus W, Arshad H, Mattes J (2001). Does the sibling effect have its origin in utero? Investigating birth order, cord blood immunoglobulin E concentration, and allergic sensitization at age 4 years. American Journal of Epidemiology 154, 909-915
Karmaus W, Botezan C (2002). Does a higher number of siblings protect against the development of allergy and asthma? A review. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 56, 209-217
Kay AB (2001). Allergy and allergic disease (first of two parts). New England Journal of Medicine 344, 30-37
Korol D, Kaczmarski M (2001). Positive family history of allergy in children with hypersensitivity to cow's milk. Medical Science Monitor 7, 966-970
Kumar Y, Bathia A (2013). Immunopathogenesis of allergic disorders: current concepts. Expert Review in Clinical Immunology 9, 211-226
Lim RH, Kobzik L, Dahl M (2010). Risk for asthma in offspring of asthmatic mothers versus fathers: a meta-analysis. PLoS One 5, e10134. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0010134.
Litonjua AA, Carey VJ, Burge HA, Weiss ST, Gold DR (1998). Parental history and the risk for childhood asthma. Does mother confer more risk than father? American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 158, 176-181
Mattes J, Karmaus W, Moseler M, Frischer T, Kuehr J (1998). Accumulation of atopic disorders within families: a sibling effect only in the offspring of atopic fathers. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 28, 1480-1486
Rona RJ, Duran-Tauleria E, Chinn S (1997). Family size, atopic disorders in parents, asthma in children, and ethnicity. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 99, 454-460
Schlesselman JJ (1982). Sample size. In: Case control studies design conduct analysis, New York, Oxford University Press, p 144-147
Sears MR, Chow CM, Morseth DJ (1980). Serum total IgE in normal subjects and the influence of family history of allergy. Clinical Allergy 10, 423-431
Soeroso J (1994). A study on risk factors associated with osteoarthritis of the knee at the Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. A Thesis. University of The Philippines Clinical Epidemiology Unit, College of Medicine, Manila, p 36-66
Suharto (2006). Asosiasi antara manifestasi klinis penyakit alergi atopi pada orang tua dengan manifestasi klinis penyakit alergi atopi pada keturun-annya. A Thesis for Internal Medicine Specialist degree in Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Steinke JW, Borish L (2006). Genetics of allergic disease. The Medical Clinics of North America 90, 1-15
Strachan DP (1989). Hay fever, hygiene and household size. British Medical Journal 299, 1259-1260
Strachan DP (1997). Allergy and family size: a riddle worth solving. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 27, 235-236
Sunyer J, Antó JM, Harris J, et al (2001). AMICS study. Asthma Multi-centre Infants Cohort Study. Maternal atopy and parity. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 31, 1352-1355
The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Steering Committee (1998). Worldwide variations in the prevalence of asthma symptoms: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). European Respiratory Journal 12, 315-335
Thomsen SF, Kyvik KO, Backer V (2008). Etiological relationships in atopy: a review of twin studies. Twin Research and Human Genetics 11, 112-120
Torrent M, Sunyer J, Munoz L, et al (2006). Early-life domestic aeroallergen exposure and IgE sensitization at age 4 years. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immu-nology 118, 742-748
van den Biggelaar AH, van Ree R, Rodrigues LC, et al (2000). Decreased atopy in children infected with Schistosoma haematobium: a role for parasite-induced interleukin-10. Lancet 356, 1723-1727
Veiga-Parga T, Sehrawat S, Rouse BT (2013). Role of regulatory T cells during virus infection. Immunologic Review 255, 182-196
von Mutius E, Fritzsch C, Weiland SK, Röll G, Magnussen H (1992). Prevalence of asthma and allergic disorders among children in united Germany: a descriptive comparison. British Medical Journal 305, 1395-1399
von Mutius E, Weiland SK, Fritzsch C, Duhme H, Keil U (1998). Increasing prevalence of hay fever and atopy amomg children in Leipzig, East Germany. Lancet 351, 862-866
von Mutius E (2004). Influences in allergy: Epidemio-logy and the environment. Journal of Clinical Immu-nology 113, 373-379
Weiland SK, von Mutius E, Hirsch T, et al (1999). Prevalence of respiratory and atopic disorders among children in the East and West of Germany five years after unification. European Respiratory Journal 14, 862-870
Westergaard T, Begtrup K, Rostgaard K, Krause TG, Benn CS, Melbye M (2003). Reproductive history and allergic rhinitis among 31145 Danish women. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 33, 301-305
Wohlfert E, Belkaid Y (2008). Role of endogenous and induced regulatory T cells during infections. Journal of Clinical Immunology 28, 707-715
Yilmaz-Demirdag Y, Prather B, Bahna SL (2010). Does heredity determine the allergy manifestation or the sensitisation to a specific allergen? Allergologia et Immunopathologia 38, 56-59