It has been reported that Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Palu City had been resistant to cypermethrin insecticide but the resistance mechanism is not well known. This study aimed to determine the resistance status of Ae. aegypti to cypermethrin and whether the mutation of voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) was associated with pyretroid resistance in high and low dengue endemic areas in Palu City. Aedes aegypti collected from each village was reared to adult and assayed for susceptibility test to cypermethrin using the CDC bottle bioassay method. PCR primers of AaSCF1 and AaSCR4 were used for screening of IIS6 VGSC gene mutation. PCR primers of AaSCF7 and AaSCR7 were used for screening of IIIS6 VGSC gene mutation. For an identification of mutation sites were sequenced and aligned to Gene bank (access No. AB914689 and AB914690) for IIS6 VGSC and Gene bank (access No. AB914687 and AB914688) for IIIS6 VGSC gene mutation. The susceptibility status of Ae. aegypti to cypermethrin was resistant in high dengue endemic areas and moderately resistant in low dengue endemic areas. It was found double point mutation at S989P and V1016G in Ae. aegypti from high and low dengue endemic areas in Palu City and there was a single point mutation only in high dengue endemic area at target site V1016G. Aedes aegypti from both high and low dengue endemic areas were resistant to cyperpethrinn and the two alleles had a major role in the occurrence of cypermethrin resistance in Palu City.
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