5 Dimensi Dampak Kebijakan Covid-19 Terhadap Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional

Covid-19 dampak dimensi olahraga


  • Achmad Gunawan
    Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan
November 18, 2020


Sebagai dampak covid-19, Olimpiade Tokyo ditunda ke tahun 2021, begitu juga dengan penyelenggaraan Piala Eropa (UEFA Cup) 2020 ditunda ke tahun 2021. Di tingkat nasional penyelenggaraan PON XX Papua 2020 yang rencananya dilaksanakan pada Oktober 2020, di tunda ke tahun 2021. Begitupun dengan dihentikannya liga sepokbola Indonesia sejak tanggal 14 Maret 2020. Dari aspek pembudayaan olahraga, prasarana dan sarana olahraga ditutup, gym, lapangan futsal, lapangan tenis, kolam renang umum. Belum lagi dampak terhadap industry alat-alat olahraga. Meskipun begitu, di sisi lain pandemic covid-19 juga mendorong masyarakat untuk memiliki budaya hidup sehat dengan melakukan olahraga rutin secara mandiri. Artinya covid-19 disatu sisi memberikan dampak negatif yang dahsyat, namun di sisi lain juga membawa dampak positif. Dengan melihat dampak cobvid-19 melalui 5 dimensi dampak kebijakan Thomas R. Dye, diharapkan dapat dijelaskan dampak covid-19 terhadap system keolahragaan nasional secara utuh, sehingga upaya penanganannya juga dapat dirumuskan dengan kebijakan yang komprehensif dan efektif.

As a result of covid-19, the Tokyo Olympics was postponed to 2021, as well as the implementation of the European Cup (UEFA Cup) 2020 was postponed to 2021. At the national level the holding of the XX Papua 2020 PON, which was planned to be held in October 2020, was postponed to 2021. Likewise with the termination of the Indonesian football league since March 14, 2020. From the aspect of sports culture, sports infrastructure and facilities are closed, gym, futsal court, tennis court, public swimming pool. Not to mention the impact on the sports equipment industry. Even so, on the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic also encourages people to have a culture of healthy living by doing regular exercise independently. This means that Covid-19 on the one hand has had a devastating negative impact, but on the other hand it also has a positive impact. By looking at the impact of Cobvid-19 through 5 dimensions of the impact of Thomas R. Dye's policies, it is hoped that the impact of Covid-19 on the national sports system as a whole can be explained, so that handling efforts can also be formulated with comprehensive and effective policies.