Evaluasi Program English Massive Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kapasitas Masyarakat di Kota Kediri Tahun 2017-2019

Evaluasi English Massive Masyarakat


November 18, 2020


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program English Massive (E-Mas) dalam upaya peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat di Kota Kediri tahun 2017-2019 dengan teori Evaluasi model CIPP menurut Stufflebeam diantaranya: Context; Input, Process, Product. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian diantaranya penyelenggara program, partisipan, tutor dengan menggunakan teknik purposive. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan evaluasi program English Massive berdasarkan: Context, latar belakang dan tujuan ialah ingin memberdayakan masyarakat melalui pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris supaya meningkatkan daya saing dan kapasitas masyarakat kota Kediri; syarat E-Mas mudah dan target sasaran seluruh warga Kota Kediri. Input, kesesuaian partisipan telah sesuai namun hanya kategori children memiliki jumlah partisipan tiggi; Tutor disediakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan dan sesuai dengan kriteria namun jumlah tutor menurun; materi yang diberikan sesuai dengan silabus dan kemampuan partisipan dengan fokus conversation dan speaking; anggaran telah mencukupi untuk kebutuhan dan operasional program; sarana dan prasarana sudah cukup memadai karena dikelola oleh masyarakat sendiri; informasi sudah jelas diberikan melalui sosialisasi, media sosial dan internet. Process, penjadwalan telah sesuai sebab jadwal direncanakan oleh partisipan dan tutor; proses pembelajaran cukup efektif melalui diskusi dan fun game; aktivitas selain pembelajaran yaitu outing class, COIN EMAS, outbond dan sebagainya; hambatan yaitu kesadaran masyarakat kurang, adanya kesibukan, spot kurang kondusif, jarak yang jauh antara spot dengan tempat tinggal tutor, honor tidak cair tiap bulan, modul tidak dibagikan ke partisipan. Product, dampak yang dirasakan partisipan adanya peningkatan kemampuan partisipan dalam berbahasa inggris; meningkatkan IPM Kota Kediri.

This study aims to investigate the implementation of the English Massive (E-Mas) program as an effort to improve social capacity in Kediri City, year 2017-2019 by utilising Stufflebeams's theory of evaluation. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Research subjects include program organizers, participants, tutors by using purposive techniques. The results of the study show that the background and purpose of the English Massive program based on the first indicator in which Context is to empower the society through learning English in order to improve the competitiveness and capacity of the Kediri's citizens; E-Mas requirements are easy and target for all residents of Kediri City. Based on Input Indicator, participants are arguably fit with the standar but only the children category has a high number of participants; Tutors were provided by the Education Office (Dinas Pendidikan); the material provided is in accordance with the syllabus and the ability of participants focusing on conversation and speaking. The budget is sufficient for program's expenses and operations; facilities and infrastructure are good enough because they are managed and provided also by the society itself; information has clearly been provided through outreach, social media and the internet. Based on Process Indicator, scheduling is appropriate because the schedule is planned by participants and tutors; the learning process is quite effective through discussion and fun games; activities other than learning, namely outing class, COIN EMAS, outbound and so on; the obstacles are lack of public awareness, busyness, less conducive spot, long distance between spot and tutor's residence, monthly non-payment of honorarium, modules are not distributed to participants. Product Indicator, the impact felt by the participants is an increase in the ability of participants in speaking English as well as improving the HDI of Kediri City.