Implementasi Program Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (LP2B) Kabupaten Karawang: Studi Kasus Penetapan Luas Baku Sawah
Lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan sebuah kebijakan yang dalam implementasinya terkendala komitmen politik stakeholders dan kesiapan petani. Di tataran teknis fase awalnya terkendala analisis spasial. Tulisan mencoba mendeskripsikan secara kualitatif kendala yang dihadapi untuk menetapkan sawah sebagai obyek LP2B dan mencoba memberikan solusi apa yang harus dilakukan secara sistematis.
Sustainable food agriculture land is a policy which is constrained in its implementation due to the political commitment of stakeholders and farmers' readiness. At the technical level the initial phase is constrained by spatial analysis. The article tries to describe qualitatively the obstacles faced in establishing rice fields as objects of LP2B and trying to provide solutions to what must be done systematically.
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