This study aims to determine the assessment of prices, income, benefits, priority scale, perceptions of wasteful feelings and consumer decisions in purchasing halal cosmetics case studies of Unair Surabaya FEB female students. This study uses a quantitative approach with analysis of hypothesis testing. Retrieval of primary data in this study was conducted using a questionnaire. The sample in this study amounted to 357 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya. Based on the results of the study, the valuation of prices consisting of prices (benefits), prices (affordable), prices (competing) partially has a significant effect. Revenue partially has a significant effect. Halal judgments which consist of halal necessity, halal logo (competitor), halal logo (Islamic rules), halal logo (important aspects) partially have a significant effect. Assessment of benefits that consist of benefits (face), benefits (appearance), benefits (not allergies), benefits (long-term), partially significant effect. Evaluation of priority scale consists of priority scale (food), priority scale (health), priority scale (education), priority scale (residence) partially significant effect. Perception assessment consisting of perceptions (unique and funny packaging), perceptions (replace new ones), perceptions (moderate trends), partially have a significant effect. Consumer decision making partially has a significant effect.
Keywords: Price valuation, Income, Benefits, Priority Scale, Perception of Wasteful Feelings, Consumer Decisions, Halal Cosmetics.
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