This research is aimed to figure out and explain the role of social capital by seing from the correlation of networks, norm, and belief to improve the welfare of the community with maqashid syariah indicator. Qualitative research method and case study were used in this research as the strategy. This research possess an unit analysisof social capital and the improvement of social welfare which receive a loan with free riba from Rombong Sedekah Fondation. The data was collected by interviewing and observing to the direct object of the research. This research is interviewing staff on Rombong Sedekah Jombang Foundation and
people who get donations from foundation. The qualitative explanatory was used as the techniques of analysis by explaining the results of the interviewers and of the direct observation. The result reveals that social capital with norms. Networks, and belief play a important role to improve the social welfare by seeing from maqashid syariah.
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