This research is aimed to examinethe contribution of Islamic finance performace
system especially intermediation function to economic growth in Indonesia during 2003:Q1- 2015:Q4.Objects of this research areIslamic bank and Jakarta Islamic stock index (JII) as representing Indonesia Islamic financial system. This research only focuses on financing of Islamic financial Instutions to foster Indonesia economic growth.
Focusing on the post-1997 and 2008 economic turmoil, the paper relies on Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to examine the research. This research shows that Indonesia Islamic finance performance system can foster Indonesia economic growth during 2003-2015. Besides Indonesia Islamic finance performance system has significant role to promote economic growth in long term because it can eradicate financial specualtion.Hence IndonesiaIslamic finance performance system in the future should be supported by goverment to expand Islamic finance market share
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