This study aims to determine the assessment of the rights and obligations of workers from the Islamic economic perspective. Employee rights comprise wages, suitability of workers with work, Life insurance, Pension funds, Almsgiving entrepreneurs, Accident insurance, Expedition services, proper treatment from colleagues and vehicle facilities from the company. While employee obligations consist of having a sense of sincerity and enthusiasm and having a good religious nature. Case study on employees of the expedition member company ALFI (Indonesian logistics and forwarder association) in Tanjung Perak Port Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach with simple tabulations. The retrieval of primary data in this study was conducted using a questionnaire. The sample in this study were 202 employees of ALFI. This study found that the respondents considered agreeing on the indicators of employee rights such as wages, suitability of workers with work, life insurance, charity of employers and were treated well by colleagues and employers. The respondents also chose to disagree with the rights indicators such as pension funds, accident insurance, expedition services and vehicle facilities from the company. On the indicators of employee obligations, the respondents chose to agree on all indicators which included having a sense of sincerity and enthusiasm and having a good religious character.
Keywords: Islamic Employment, Employee Rights and Obligations of employees.
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