
  • Arief Hidayat Amuda
    Departemen Ekonomi Syariah - Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - Universitas Airlangga
  • Siti Inayatul Faizah Departemen Ekonomi Syariah - Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - Universitas Airlangga
June 29, 2020


This study aims to know about the optimization of the zakat empowerment concept in the food security sector in East Java. This research uses qualitative descriptive and the analysis technique uses Creswell theory. The object in this study is Wayahe Tanhdur program from LAZ Nurul Hayat which is located at krangkong village Bojonegoro East java. The results of this study are Wayahe Tanhdur program from LAZ Nurul Hayat has successfully carried out an empowerment process as evidenced by each member of the farmer who is part of the Wayahe Tanhdur program that has successfully carried out the harvest process with a term of the agreement. However, to form an independent mustahiq farmer class cannot be achieved by the Wayahe Tanhdur program and is expected to be an evaluation for the Wayahe Tanhdur program.

Keywords: zakat empowerment, Wayahe Tanhdur Program, food security, LAZ


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