The Objective of this research is to identify whether there is a different level performance of mutual funds in syariah shares among Information Ratio, Sortino Ratio, and Roy Safety First Ratio. This analysis using qualitative descriptive. In this case, the authority of money service website mentions there are 21 mutual funds in syariah shares could be taken as the sample of the analysis by using purposive sampling method. Verification result is done by One-way Anova test. The measurement result of the mutual fund in syariah shares uses the method Information Ratio provides 3 mutual funds in syariah shares are in positive performance in 2015 and 2017 and 5 mutual funds in syariah shares are in negative performance in 2016. It means there is a different performance result of mutual fund in syariah shares. The result Sortino ratio provides all of mutual fund share are in negative performance in all of year. It means there is no different performance result of mutual fund in syariah shares. The result Roy Safety First Ratio provides all of mutual funds in syariah shares are in negative performance in 2015, 2 mutual funds in syariah shares are in negative performance in 2016 and 4 mutual funds in syariah shares are in positive performance in 2017. It means there is no different performance result of mutual fund in syariah shares.
Keywords: Performace of mutual funds, Information Ratio, Sortino Ratio, Roy Safety First Ratio, Mutual Funds in Syariah Shares
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