This study aims to determine the effect of exchange rate and money supply on economic growth and financial inclusion in Bank Syariah Period 2010-2017. The sample used is saturated samples, ie all parts of Sharia Bank, including Sharia Commercial Bank and Sharia Business Unit which in the last year of 2017 amounted to 13 Sharia Commercial Banks and 21 Sharia Business Units, furthermore this research uses time series data analysis by analyzing data from year to year. The research approach used is quantitative approach using analysis technique PLS (Partial Least Square) with four latent variables namely exchange rate and money supply as exogenous variable, economic growth as endogen intervention variable, and financial inclusion as endogen variable. The results of this study indicate: the exchange rate has a significant negative effect on economic growth, the money supply has a significant positive effect on economic growth, economic growth has a significant positive effect on financial inclusion of Sharia Bank.
Keywords: exchange rate, money supply, economic growth, and financial inclusion
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