Measurement of Efficiency and Productivity of Amil Zakat Institutions in Indonesia by using Data Envelopement Analysis Methods and Malmquist Productivity Index
This study aims to measure the level of efficiency and productivity of the amil zakat institution in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative research using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) methods. There are six institutions of amil zakat (LAZ in Indonesia, namely Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah (YDSF), Al-Azhar Peduli Ummat, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Yayasan Rumah Yatim Arrohman Indonesia, Pos Kemanusiaan Peduli Ummat (PKPU), and Rumah Zakat Indonesia with 2014 - 2016 annual data as the number of DMUs (desicion making units). This study uses an intermediation approach in determining the variables. The input variables of this research are Collected Funds (X1), Total Costs (X2), and Amil Receipts (X3), while the output variables are Funds Disbursed (Y1), and Total Assets (Y2). There were two LAZs that experienced inefficiencies in 2014 and 2015, namely LAZ YDSF and ACT. Meanwhile, in 2016, all LAZ have achieved optimal levels of efficiency. The results of the MPI analysis show that in the first year there were two LAZs that experienced a decline in productivity, namely LAZ Al-Azhar and PKPU. The other four LAZs experienced increased productivity, namely LAZ YDSF, ACT, Rumah Yatim, and Rumah Zakat. In the second year, there were three LAZs who experienced increased productivity, namely LAZ Al-Azhar, PKPU, and Rumah Zakat. Meanwhile, three other LAZ experienced a decrease in productivity, namely LAZ YDSF, ACT, and Rumah Yatim.
Keywords: Efficiency, Productivity, LAZ, DEA, MPI
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