Water Security as Shared Security Challenges? A Comparison of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Security Discourse towards the Aral Sea

water security securitisation Aral Sea Kazakhstan Uzbekistan.


  • Radityo Dharmaputra
    Departemen Hubungan Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Airlangga
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2015): Global Strategis
Jurnal Global & Strategis 9.1 2015
February 22, 2018


This article analyses the water security problems in Central Asia by
comparing Kazakhstan's and Uzbekistan's policy regarding the Aral Sea. As
one of the perpetual problem in Central Asia, the condition of freshwater
resources in the Aral Sea has been worsening for the last decades. Efforts by
governments were isolated and unorganised. Both the Kazakhstan and the
Uzbek government, which had their own share of the problem, had been
unable to cooperate on this issue. This article tries to elaborate the problem by using the theory on securitisation process, regional security complex, and the patterns of amity-enmity. This research finds that while the amity-enmity
patterns was absent, the differing process of securitisation (in Kazakhstan)
and de-securitisation (in Uzbekistan) had forced both states to embark on their own strategies and policies regarding the Aral Sea.