The Effect of Brand Positioning, Brand Image, and Perceived Price on Consumer Repurchase Intention Low-Cost Carrier
Objective: This study aims to examine the effect of brand positioning, brand image, and perceived price on the repurchase intention of low-cost carrier consumers.
Design/Methods/Approach: This study uses a purposive sampling technique to obtain a sample of 400 respondents who had used Citilink airline from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. Data collection techniques are carried out by distributing online questionnaires using a Likert Scale points 1 to 5, which have been analyzed using SmartPLS 4 through the measurement model test (outer model), and structural model test (inner model).
Findings: The findings show that brand positioning has a positive effect on the repurchase intention of consumers of a low-cost carrier, brand image has a positive effect on the repurchase intention of consumers low-cost carrier, and the perceived price has a positive effect on the repurchase intention of consumers low-cost carrier.
Originality: This research adds dimensions to the variables of brand positioning, brand image, and perceived price and combines them to determine their effect on the repurchase intention of Indonesian low-cost airlines.
Practical/Policy Implications: Identifying the results of the variable brand positioning, brand image, and perceived price can measure repurchase intention for low-cost carrier consumers. This study provides low-cost carriers that the right brand positioning strategy, positive image, and price can create a consumer repurchase intention.
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