The Influence of Self-efficacy on Organizational Commitment and Ethical Behavior: The Role of Job Satisfaction
Objective: This study aims to analyze the effect of self-efficacy on organizational commitment and ethical behavior. Furthermore, this study also examines the mediating role of job satisfaction in determining the relationships.
Design/Methods/Approach: This study was carried out on healthcare and administrative staff. The sample size and respondents were determined using the Slovin formula and selected through random sampling. The data collected was analyzed using PLS analysis.
Findings: The findings reveal that self-efficacy positively and significantly affects ethical behavior and organizational commitment. Additionally, job satisfaction plays a role in mediating the connection between self-efficacy and organizational commitment. Similarly, the analysis shows that job satisfaction mediates the link between self-efficacy and ethical behavior.
Originality: The novelty of this study lies in the influence of self-efficacy on organizational commitment and ethical behavior. Previous studies mainly analyzed the influence of self-efficacy on other variables, in which none of them had combined the two variables, along with job satisfaction as a mediation variable. In particular, this study is novel as it analyzes job satisfaction for workers in a Regional General Hospital, in which prior studies only focused on other non-health institutions or companies.
Practical/Policy implication: Optimizing communication and institutionalizing ethical and moral values will improve workers' self-efficacy. Institutions should focus on maintaining job satisfaction, including work, rewards, supervision, co-workers, and promotion opportunities, to promote employee commitment and ethical behavior.
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