Pelaksanaan Bauran Promosi pada Produk Beras untuk Meningkatkan Omzet Penjualan (Studi Pada PT. Nazar Bahana Persada)


December 13, 2018


Rice is the main food for the population of Indonesia. Many types of rice products have been marketed. The more diverse rice products are, the more promotion is needed to inform the advantages of a rice product compared to others. PT. Nazar Bahana Persada is one of the companies that produce rice products, but still uses traditional methods of marketing their products. PT. Nazar Bahama Persada must be able to improve the promotion strategy carried out so that it will increase its sales turnover. The method used in this study is a descriptive method that will provide an overview of the implementation of the promotion mix on rice products. The data used are primary data through observation and interviews and secondary data in the form of virgin obtained from the company. The promotion mix implemented by PT Nazar Bahana Persada is personal selling, direct marketing, advertising and also implementing CRS. The promotional impact applied by the company to the sale of rice products in 2017 increased by 44.75%, while the sales turnover increased by 50.41%.