Correlation Between Erectile Dysfunction and Severity Symptoms of Depression Through The Role of Self-Esteem and Psychosocial Stressor
Background: Twenty two percent of men aged over 40 years suffer from erectile dysfunction moderate to severe degree. Twelve to twenty eight percent of men with erectile dysfunction report an impact on the relationship with the partner, body image, lowered self-esteem that might be a psychosocial stressor that cause symptoms of depression. Treatment of erectile dysfunction holistically is expected to improve a better life.
Objective: This study analyzed the correlation between erectile dysfunction and severity of depressive symptoms through the role of self-esteem and psychosocial stressors on patients with erectile dysfunction in Andrology Outpatient Clinic of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital.
Methods: This study using correlation analytic with cross sectional design. Research subject were patients who have erectile dysfunction in Andrology Outpatient Clinic of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, collected using consecutive sampling. The research instruments used were The International Index of Erectile Function-5, Holmes-Rahe, Self-Esteem Rosenberg and Beck Depression Inventory
Results: Thirty eight research subjects met the inclusion criteria. Statistical analysis revealed erectile dysfunction correlated with self-esteem (p=0.016 r=0,388), no correlation between self-esteem and the severity of depressive symptoms (p=0.116 r=0,259), psychosocial stressors correlated with the severity of depressive symptoms (p=0.001 r=0,001), erectile dysfunction correlated with the severity of depressive symptoms (p=0,000 r=-0,559)
Conclusion: This study found correlation between erectile dysfunction and severity of depressive symptoms both directly, but in this case does not involve the role of self-esteem and psychosocial stressors
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