About the Journal
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) P-ISSN (2599-0993) and E-ISSN (2656-5331) are peer-reviewed scientific journals published by Division of Veterinary Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. in collaboration with Indonesian Society of Veterinary Parasitology (ISVETPAR/APARVI).
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) accepts manuscripts in Original Research, Review Articles, and Case Reports. and Since Vol 8 No 1 March 2024, JoPS has been decided to change the referencing style to Harvard reference format 1 style
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) is a highly respected journal of veterinary parasitology indexed in major databases, such as the Science and Technology Index (SINTA). JoPS has been accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in 2023 (SINTA 4) 230/E/KPT/2022.
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) focuses manuscripts on the areas of epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and control of infectious parasite diseases. Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) is published twice a year: March and September.
Focus and Scope
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) focuses on both basic and applied Parasitology on Human and Animals.
The scope of Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) are:
a. Parasites Biodiversity
b. Wildlife, Vertebrate, Invertebrate Parasites
c. Host-parasite relationships of intrinsic biological interest to those of social and economic importance predominately in veterinary, human medicine and agriculture aspect.
All accepted articles will be published on an open access basis and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.
Peer Reviewing Process
The editor can reject the manuscript at this stage:
1. initial submission if it does not fit the focus and scope of the journal;
2. peer-review process decisions;
3. the revision of the manuscript does not conform to peer-reviewed advice;
4. The author does not follow the editor's instructions according to deadlines.
The editor will send notification of rejection of the manuscript to the author through OJS.
The decision of the editorial board is absolute and free of conflicts of interest.
The article review process usually takes average 6-8 weeks. This review period depends on the editors and reviewers duration in reviewing the manuscript.
Publication Frequency
Journal of Parasite Science published every 2 times a year, in March and September.