This volume presents original research in the field of nutrition. The original research theme focuses on the benefits of local food that can have an impact on health and nutrition, some of them are the role of local food as a source of natural sweeteners that can hold the increment of blood sugar levels and the role of local food as an antioxidant in counteracting free radicals. In addition, stunting reduction is still a developing issue. For this reason, this edition of MGI presents some of the best research related to child nutrition concerning toddler growth and development and their nutritional profile. Furthermore, to present research related to child nutrition, this edition of MGI also presents research on adolescents and its relation to nutrition behavioral changes.
Full Issue
Nutrient Intake and Phytate-to-Zinc Molar Ratio among Stunted and Non-Stunted Children in Malang City
226-233Abstract : 751PDF : 167 XML : 2 -
Potential of Natural Sweetener in Indonesia: A Systematic Review
234-242Abstract : 708PDF : 256 XML : 15 -
Effectiveness of Online Based Nutrition Education in Increasing Knowledge and Self-Efficacy
243-248Abstract : 813PDF : 205 XML : 3 -
The Effect of Health Belief Model-Based Interventions to Increase Diet Quality of Adolescents
249-258Abstract : 756PDF : 282 XML : 10 -
A Case Control in A Sub-Urban Area: Maternal Height and Nutritional Status with the Incidence of Stunting Among Toddlers
259-267Abstract : 608PDF : 179 XML : 4 -
The Relationship between Watching Mukbang and Stress Level with Eating Patterns in Adolescents at PB Soedirman Bekasi Islamic High School
268-274Abstract : 624PDF : 257 XML : 11 -
Health Status of Teenage Girls Based on Nutritional Status Assessment and Cardiorespiratory Endurance (VO2Max)
275-281Abstract : 554PDF : 152 XML : 2 -
Insights into Childhood Malnutrition: An Analysis on Food Vulnerability and Stunting using 2021 Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey Data
282-290Abstract : 770PDF : 310 XML : 4 -
The Effect of Unripe Berlin Banana Flour on Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in Dyslipidemic Rats
291-295Abstract : 527PDF : 105 XML : 5 -
Relationship Between Picky Eating Behavior and Level of Nutrient Adequacy in Preschool Children
296-303Abstract : 577PDF : 258 XML : 5 -
Relationship Between The Level of Mother's Nutritional Knowledge and The Diversity of Animal Protein Intake in Toddlers at Tertek Village
304-310Abstract : 594PDF : 131 XML : 6