Vol 33 No 2 (2018): Volume 33 No 2 May 2018
This Issue has been available online since 1 May 2018 for the regular issue of May 2019. All Articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 Authors from 2 Country (Rwanda and Indonesia).
Diterbitkan: 2018-05-01
Civil Law
Pembebanan Hak Sewa untuk Bangunan Atas Tanah Hak Milik: Perspektif Asas dan Pembuktian
330-348Abstrak : 14058PDF (English) : 17316
Law and Economic
Prinsip Hukum Dalam Penyusunan dan Pelaksanaan Kontrak Engineering Procurement Construction (Kontrak "EPC")
188-211Abstrak : 7515PDF (English) : 5418Urgency of Insurance for Cultural Heritage Building in Surabaya
232-242Abstrak : 1234PDF (English) : 892Perplexing Jurisdiction Ratione Personae And Materiae of Rwandan Commercial Courts: Trader and Commercial Activity
243-259Abstrak : 1774PDF (English) : 862
Constitutional Law
Penataan Sistem Pemilihan Umum yang Berkeadilan untuk Penguatan Sistem Presidensiil Di Indonesia
290-315Abstrak : 3305PDF (English) : 6107
Criminal Law
The Phenomenon of Cyber Crimes Which Impact Children as Victims in Indonesia
212-231Abstrak : 6737PDF (English) : 4365Kompensasi dan Restitusi yang Berorientasi pada Korban Tindak Pidana
260-289Abstrak : 7173PDF (English) : 7729
Islamic Law
Implementation of Syari'ah Economic Principles on the Management of Syari'ah Mutual Fund in Indonesia
316-329Abstrak : 1078PDF (English) : 808