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Author Guidelines



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Title. The title should not exceed 12 words in English (not exceeding 15 words).

Data Writer. CContain full names of all authors without titles, authors affiliated agencies and addresses (including zip code), and address one of the authors for correspondence (telephone, fax, and email).

Abstract. Written in English, a maximum of 250 words for each abstract and contains six things: the introduction or problem solved, the objective of the study, the methodology used, the principal result, the major conclusion and suggestion for further research, research implications, and managerial implications.

Keywords. Written in English, each of a maximum of 5 subjects. Keywords containing the word or phrase that is often used in the script and is considered to represent and/or relate to the topics covered.

Introduction. The introduction should at least contain the background and purpose of the study, previous studies, relevant issues, or hypotheses to be tested in the article, a brief description of the method or analytical tools that have been selected, and a brief narrative of the results obtained if the article is the result of empirical testing or a proposition if the posts made are the result of thinking.

Literature Review. This section cites relevant theories and previous research related to the topics covered. This section outlines the conceptual basis of the writing and contains the theoretical reason for the research question posed in the article. In addition, the author can cite relevant prior studies to complete the justification about the unique contribution of the manuscript.

Method. This section contains the theoretical and technical information sufficient to reproduce the reader's research well, including a description of the types and sources of data. In terms of the purpose of verifying the results, editors and partners (reviewers) are entitled to request raw data that is used by the author.

Results and Analysis. Write down the results obtained by the method used in accordance with the related analysis of the field. Can be served in the form of tables, pictures, accompanied by the analytical description of the key points raised by the theoretical conceptions that have been built.

Conclusion. This section contains the conclusions from the results and analysis of results and academic and policy implications, if any. This section also contains limitations of the study and the possibility of further research that can be done.

References. . In writing the article, the author(s) are required to use reference management tools (example: Mendeley) in writing the citation and list of references. Authors may use some flexible terms for the subheading following the main heading. Authors are encouraged to use the manuscript template that can be found at the bottom of this guideline (Journal Template).

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