Development of Cold Brew Extraction Tutorial Video for Junior Baristas
This study aims to determine: the results of the development of grind size and cold brew extraction video tutorials; the feasibility of grind size and cold brew extraction video tutorial materials. The feasibility of grind size and cold brew extraction video tutorial media; and user responses to grind size and cold brew extraction video tutorials. This research method is development-type research. Namely adapted using the 4D development model with only three stages due to the limited time and costs required for research. Validation of this video tutorial involves two material experts and two media experts; the object of research is a video tutorial. Questionnaires were used in data collection consisting of material validation, media, and video tutorial user responses. The data analysis technique was carried out descriptively and quantitatively. The results of the video tutorial that have been made in the form of online links cover the material of coffee brewing techniques with grind size and cold brew extraction; The video tutorial material is considered feasible with an average of 80%. The video tutorial media is very feasible with an average score of 84%, and the junior barista response obtained an average score of 83% with a very good interpretation. This implies that the video tutorial of the research results can be used in training activities on coffee blending techniques with grind size and cold brew extraction.
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