Community Perception on Covid-19 Vaccination in Sidomukti Village Tuban Indonesia
Introduction: Covid-19 vaccine will be given to all people in Indonesia. Covid-19 vaccination process in community reaps pros and cons. Many perceptions arise in minds of public. on the one hand, people who get enough information tend to accept Covid-19 vaccine. However, people who are uninformed tend to refuse given Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, it is necessary to study public's perception of Covid-19 vaccination. The aim of this study was to dig deeper into perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers about Covid-19 vaccine in community.
Method: This study used qualitative method. Subjects in this study were people of Sidomukti Village, Kenduruan District, Tuban Regency with consecutive sampling. Instrument in this study used a structured interview sheet with data analysis covering period of data collection, data reduction, data categorization, data display and verification.
Results: Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with informants, it was found that participants were classified as having good perceptions, although their opinions were different and varied. It is necessary to socialize about Covid-19 vaccination in order to reduce bad perceptions.
Conclusion: It is recommended that local health workers carry out health promotions that provide information about Covid-19 vaccination to the public.
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