Maternal issues are classic issues in every edition of the Indonesian Journal of Health Administration. In this issue, our authors, Fatmaningrum et al. (2022), revealed how the COVID-19 pandemic had increased the number of maternal deaths. Research conducted by Ernawaty and Sri (2022) again shows how big the risks Indonesian women must bear during pregnancy and childbirth are. Not only are they risking their lives because they have to give birth to children, but once discharged from treatment, they still have to be faced with high delivery costs. The National Health Insurance does help a lot, but who will help JKN from a deficit if there are many cases of diseases that require huge costs. A systematic review conducted by Muhlis (2022) found that the low level of participation in the JKN program was due to various multidimensional factors. This factor is not only related to the ability to pay contributions, but many are due to individual and environmental internal factors.
Arifin, Y., Melia, J. F., & Fushen. (2022). DESIGN OF MARKETING PLAN FOR DENTAL HOSPITALS IN THE DIGITAL ERA. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Damayanti, N. A., Wulandari, R. D., Ridlo, I. A., Kusniar, N. A. C., & Pangastuti, A. (2022). THE INTERNET AS A HEALTH INFORMATION IN DECISION MAKING OF PREGNANT WOMEN. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Ernawaty, E., & Sri, D. (2022). HEALTH EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS IN PATIENTS WITH PREGNANCY-LABOR COMPLICATIONS IN SURABAYA. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Fatmaningrum, D. A., Anis, W., & Laksana, M. A. C. (2022). THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON MATERNAL MORTALITY ATTRIBUTES. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Hartanti, L. K., & Antonio, F. (2022). THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY DIMENSIONS ON HEMODIALYSIS PATIENT SATISFACTION IN INDONESIA. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Hastuti, S. K. W., Baginda, N. C., & Aprianda, S. (2022). A QUALITATIVE STUDY: HOSPITAL PATIENT COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Ismatullah, N. K., Widodo, A. P., & Nugraheni, S. A. (2022). THE ACCEPTANCE OF MEDICAL RECORD OFFICER TOWARDS SIMRM IN X HOSPITAL MATARAM. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Kurniawan, S. J., Putra, K. R., & Hartawan, I. G. A. G. U. (2022). PREVALENCE OF BURNOUT SYMPTOMS IN NURSES HOSPITAL ASSIGNED TO COVID-19 ISOLATION ROOMS. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Liyanage, D. H., Krishanth, M. D. A., Wickramaratne, P. N., De Alwis, A. K. S. B., Pannapitiya, P. W. C., Perera, U. A. A. S., & Yaddehige, I. S. (2022). SRI LANKA OXYGEN READINESS AND STRATEGIES ADAPTED FOR COVID-19 PATIENTS' MANAGEMENT. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Muhlis, A. N. A. (2022). DETERMINANTS OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE UPTAKE IN INDONESIA. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2), 11.
Pertiwi, A. S., & Sjaaf, A. C. (2022). REDUCING INFANT AND UNDER-5 MORTALITY RATE THROUGH GOVERNMENT HEALTH EXPENDITURE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2), 11.
Pradini, L. I., Sriatmi, A., & Fatmasari, E. Y. (2022). PARENTS' SATISFACTION WITH MEASLES RUBELLA IMMUNIZATION SERVICES FOR SCHOOLERS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Rumi, A., Ambianti, N., & Arbi, D. S. S. (2022). PATTERNS OF MEDICINE USE FOR COVID-19 PATIENTS AT UNDATA HOSPITAL PALU. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Tejoyuwono, A. A. T. (2022). HEALTH INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT FOR HEALTH WORKERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR A HEALTHY LIFE. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2).
Zaleha, S., & Idris, H. (2022). IMPLEMENTATION OF STUNTING PROGRAM IN INDONESIA: A NARRATIVE REVIEW. Indonesian Journal of Health Administration, 10(2), 9.
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