Focus and Scope

The Journal of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (JATM) aims to advance global knowledge in science, information, and multidisciplinary technology. JATM serves as a platform for researchers, engineers, and scientists worldwide to foster research connections, collaborate, and share insights on addressing real-world challenges through cutting-edge scientific and technological discoveries.

The scope of JATM includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

1. Power System
2. Control Systems
3. Renewable Energy Technology
4. Advanced Manufacturing
5. Optimization & System Engineering
6. Human Factors & Ergonomics
7. Supply Chain & Logistic Management
8. Waste Processing/ Waste Treatment
9. Pollutant Removal
10. Applied Chemistry
11. Nano Medicine
12. Sensor
13. Artificial Intelligence
14. Health Informatics
15. Robotics & Mechatronics
16. Computer Vision
17. Data mining
18. Human Computer Interaction
19. Software Engineering
20. Deep Learning
21. Internet Of Things
22. Natural Language Processing
23. Learning Analytics & technologies
24. Machine learning