Fuzzy based MPPT Control System in Grid Connected Solar Plant

AVR, DE-PSO, Dynamic Stability, Energy efficiency, Multimachine, SMES.


May 31, 2022


The increase in demand for the electricity system is increasing. Thus, enviromentally friendly technologies such as new and renewable energy are needed, one of which is a power plant with Photovoltaic as the main component. Solar power plant has enviromentally friendly properties. The design of this solar power plant uses Fuzzy Logic Controller and PI Controller methods, where both methods are used to find the maximum power peak point used for fast charges and MPPT, which is simulted using MATLAB/Simulink. The things presented in developing the generating system using these two methods are solar radiation intensity, temperature and Photovoltaic module. The model developed will make it possible to examine the characteristics of solar power plant and predict the amount of energy generated by solar panels in a particular location and compare the effectiveness of Fuzzy Logic and PI methods. The results shows that Fuzzy method produces a boost converter output voltage in the range of 600 V with result that are still not good and less stable, but the irradiation of 100 W/m2 voltage is stable, while the boost converter output voltage controller by the PI method is very good and stable in all conditions. Radiation and voltage are also in the range of 600 V.