Electricity is a very important element in this era because almost all aspects of modern life depend on electricity. Therefore, electricity plays a very important role in improving people's quality of life and maintaining an efficient and productive life. An efficient and reliable electrical system is essential to ensure adequate electricity availability and maintain system reliability. Therefore, planning, designing and operating electrical systems must be carried out carefully to ensure stability, reliability and efficiency. However, a decrease in frequency in the electrical system sometimes occurs when there is a sudden change in load. This can affect system stability. Therefore, Load Frequency Control (LFC) and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) analysis is needed to maintain the stability of the electrical system frequency. The combination of these two techniques, namely LFC with LQR modeling, provides a better solution for maintaining frequency stability and optimizing electrical system performance. LFC analysis regulates power generation settings automatically to compensate for fluctuations in load demand and maintain a stable frequency, while LQR is a control technique used to minimize system errors and optimize system performance. Therefore, LFC with LQR results in system performance increasing very significantly with a faster response, undershoot that can be reduced to 0.001 and a better settling time of 300s in area-1 and 450s in area-2 and rise time reaching 270s in area-1 and 405s in area-2 as well as the use of LQR can maintain the system frequency at its nominal limit and the presence of New Renewable Energy (EBT) has an effect in the form of a greater undershoot level than without EBT.
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