
  • Gautsi Hamida
    Departemen Ekonomi Syariah - Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - Universitas Airlangga
  • Irham Zaki Departemen Ekonomi Syariah - Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - Universitas Airlangga
June 11, 2020


The main objective of this research is to see the potential that supports the application of sharia principles in the Batu City tourism sector. The tourism sector studied consists of hotels, restaurants and halal food, travel agencies and tourism areas. The next objective is to see the economic benefits that will be produced in the future with the application of sharia principles in the tourism sector. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods conducted by interviews, observations and questionnaires to see the response generated through a Likert scale. The results of this study indicate that parties related to the tourism sector provide a positive response to the application of sharia principles in the tourism sector, which will provide economic benefits for the industry players, the public society, and the government.

Keywords: Sharia Principles, Halal Tourism, Income, Economic Benefits, Sharia Tourism


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