This research aims to test the role of zakat to reduce poverty in the East Java period 2015-2017 by using the index that was recently developed, Basic Needs Deficiency Index. The research method used is qualitative approach with case study strategy. This research formulated BNDI index to measure the deficiency and effectiveness of zakat in resolving poverty. Data required is the total population that its income was below the poverty line in every city of East Java, and also total zakat, which was distributed by BAZNAS East Java in every city of East Java. The results obtained from the BNDI calculation have been able to explain the effectiveness of zakat for reducing poverty and inequality in East Java. The result of calculation, which was a high value or approaching value 1, explains that zakat that was distributed by BAZNAS East Java is not effective in reducing poverty in East Java. Furthermore, the result of this research shows that some cities had the highest BNDI and lowest BNDI as well. Hopefully, this result could be considered to use by the policymaker to improve the effectiveness of zakat in reducing poverty.
Keywords: Zakat, Poverty, Basic Needs Deficiency Index (BNDI)
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