Productive zakat is the management of zakat funds by providing assistance in the form of business activity funds to mustahiq. The purpose of productive zakat funds to the community is to improve the economic welfare of mustahiq. CIBEST (Center of Islamic Business and Economic Studies) is a method of measuring mustahiq poverty that is based not only on material aspects, but spiritual mustahiq before and after obtaining assistance from zakat funds. This study aims to determine the condition of mustahiq poverty before and after receiving assistance from zakat funds Al-Falah Social Fund Foundation, Surabaya City. The approach used in research is a quantitative approach with case studies. In the technique of collecting data using interview techniques directly to Mustahiq based on questionnaires. The result of this study is that there is a change in the condition of the Mustahiq Quadrant I family (Prosperous) before getting zakat assistance, namely 3 heads of families to 5 heads of families. Quadrant II (Material Poverty) before getting zakat assistance, namely 1 family head, 0 family heads. Quadrant III (Spiritual Poverty Index) before getting help from one family head, 3 family heads. Quadrant IV (Absolute Poverty) before getting zakat assistance, namely 4 heads of families, becomes 0 family heads.
Keywords: Productive Zakat, CIBEST, Mustahiq
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