This study is aimed to know the mechanism of risk management in the management of unredeemed non-gold pawn in Blauran Sharia Pawnshop. Through the three phases of risk management that is risk identification, risk ranking, and risk control Blauran Sharia Pawnshop expected can be more minimize the risks, one of them is unredeemed non-gold pawn. The research method used was qualitative. Research data is obtained by doing interview techniques and documentation to the informant that was assistant deputy manager Pawnshop of Surabaya Regional Office, Head of Blauran Surabaya Sharia Pawnshop branch, and staff of Blauran Surabaya Sharia Pawnshop. The research showed that Blauran Sharia Pawnshop has run the risk management process in three ways: risk identification, risk ranking based on potency and the most influential risk, and risk control by conducting auction on non-goldpawning items that were not redeemed.
Keyword: Risk Management, sharia mortgage, sharia pawnshop,unreedemed non-gold pawn
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