Russia Beyond Indonesia: Image Transforming Effort Through Public Diplomacy

diplomasi publik Rusia Indonesia Rusia Russia Beyond Indonesia


Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020): Global Strategis
Jurnal Global & Strategis 14.1 2020
June 8, 2020


Survei menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 40% citra Rusia di tengah publik Indonesia adalah citra negatif. Indonesia bahkan disebut sebagai negara dengan persepsi negatif tertinggi terhadap Rusia di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Artikel ini memaparkan upaya Rusia memperbaiki citranya di hadapan publik Indonesia melalui diplomasi publik dengan menggunakan media Russia Beyond. Penulis menggunakan konsep tiga dimensi diplomasi publik dari Mark Leonard sebagai alat analisis, yaitu news management, strategic communications, dan relationship building. Data yang digunakan dalam artikel ini didapatkan dari website dan media sosial Russia Beyond, wawancara dengan dua narasumber terkait, dan studi literatur. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Rusia telah menggunakan tiga dimensi diplomasi publik dengan cukup baik namun perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan mengenai dampak upaya ini bagi perbaikan citra Rusia di Indonesia.

Kata-kata kunci: diplomasi publik Rusia, Indonesia, Rusia, Russia Beyond Indonesia


Survey shows that around 40% of Russia's image in the public of Indonesia is relatively negative. Indonesia is referred to as a country with the highest negative perception of Russia in the Southeast Asia region. This article describes Russia's effort to improve its image towards the public of Indonesia through public diplomacy by using Russia Beyond (RBTH Indonesia) as a media. The authors apply Leonard, Stead, dan Smewing's (2002) three dimensions of public diplomacy as the tool of analysis, namely news management, strategic communications, and relationship building. The data was obtained from website and social media of Russia Beyond Indonesia, interviews with two related sources, and literature studies. The author concludes that public diplomacy carried out by Russia has used three dimensions of public diplomacy quite well, but further research needs to be done on the impact of these efforts in the improvement of Russia images in Indonesia.

Keywords: Indonesia, public diplomacy of Russia, Russia, Russia Beyond Indonesia