Bangka Belitung Islands Province faces severe environmental challenges, exacerbated by
illegal tin mining activities leading to heightened pollution levels, particularly in stagnant
water within former tin mining holes, reaching depths of up to 40 meters. The presence of
iron metal (Fe) in this water poses a health risk, potentially damaging intestinal walls and
compromising lung function upon ingestion. This study presents a novel approach to address
this issue by synthesizing porous carbon material from propylene waste sourced from
medical masks. The process involves initial sulfonation for sterilization and pore size
enhancement, followed by activation using KOH and carbonization at 750 °C.
Characterization methods validate the successful synthesis, including FTIR highlighting
polypropylene groups at 822 cm-1, XRD indicating graphite carbon with high crystallinity,
and SEM exhibiting rod shapes and cavities at 5,000í— magnification. The adsorption test
demonstrates outstanding performance, with porous carbon exhibiting a 100% adsorption
efficiency in purifying water, eliminating odors, and reducing iron (Fe) levels. This
innovative method effectively reduces iron levels in stagnant water environments, providing
a sustainable solution to environmental pollution, particularly in Bangka Belitung.
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