Salam Sehat Mental!
INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (JPKM), previously named INSAN Media Psychology, is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga. Insan literally means “human being” in Indonesian. INSAN JPKM was founded in 2016. INSAN JPKM is a medium for disseminating mental health research and case reports in the scope of Indonesia and Southeast Asia. INSAN JPKM has now been indexed at Sinta 3, GARUDA, DOAJ, Google Scholar, PKP Index, ROAD, CrossRef, and ResearchGate. INSAN JPKM is published every six months, specifically in June and December.
INSAN JPKM accepts empirical research, both qualitative, quantitative, mix-method research; and case reports regarding psychological therapy/interventions that have been done by practitioners/mental health workers. Although we have never published a review article, we accept systematic or semi-systematic literature reviews that are based on formal and credible scientific guidelines; as well as discussions on mental health policies and manuals. Manuscripts sent to JPKM INSAN must be new and original (which have never been published before and are not being considered for publication elsewhere). INSAN JPKM does not accept manuscripts of: 1) Empirical research that only contain one dependent variable and one independent variable; 2) Literature review without credible guidance/manual.
Topics studied in this journal include, but are not limited to:
- Psychopathology
- Mental health promotion
- Community and public mental health
- Mental health in industrial and organizational settings
- Mental health in school settings
- Inclusive education
- Mental health in children and adolescents
- Quality of mental health services