Author Guideline
Before submitting your manuscript, please write your manuscript according to the template formats we have provided, namely Research Articles and Case Reports. You can download the template via the link in the menu on the right. For manuscripts whose writing does not match the template format, we will return the manuscript to the author.
Kindly check our mindmaps based on APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) below.
JARS Mindmap Quantitative Article
JARS Mindmap Qualitative Article
The guide is divided into 4 sections, i.e.: general instructions, specific instructions, format structure, and additional documents to be included.
- The referencing style for manuscripts in the INSAN Journal of Psychology and Mental Health refer to APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (APA Style JARS) from Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.
- The referencing styles in INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental refer to the American Psychological Association (APA) style, 7th Ed, 2020.
- At least 80% of reference sources come from primary sources of journals that have been indexed by reputable indexing services and must have a DOI.
- Authors are required to use a reference manager to facilitate article quality control. One of the recommended softwares is Zotero. You can use ZoteroBib: Web-Based Reference Library Management Tool. Please avoid using the built-in Citation and reference features of Ms. Words.
- Manuscripts will be published bilingually. Authors can prepare their manuscripts in Indonesian or English with good grammatical accuracy. The Editorial Team will translate the manuscript into the other language.
- Authors are highly recommended to follow the provided templates.
- The manuscript should be about 5.500 words, or about 12 pages (including any images, graphs, or tables).
- Figures and tables can often summarize information and help the reader's understanding especially in complex information or descriptive texts that are too long. Please ensure that the quality and size of the figures presented are sufficient to produce adequate reading resolution (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour, at the correct size). Figures should be supplied in one of these file formats: JPEG/JPG/PNG.
- Manuscripts must be uploaded through our Open Journal System (OJS) . Please click the "Register" menu in the ONLINE SUBMISSION section above for users who are sending manuscripts for the first time.
- Please upload the manuscript in an editable format (for example, .doc or .docx). Manuscripts uploaded in PDF format will be returned.
- All kinds of correspondence with INSAN JPKM should be addressed to or through our OJS.
- Foreign terms or words from regional languages should be written in italics.
- Interview transcript should be written in italics.
- Literature review or theoretical framework should not be a separate section or sub- section. It should be an integral part of the introduction. Important theories for addressing the results should be part of the discussion.
- Results contain research findings based on data analysis without theoretical interpretation.
- Discussion contains the interpretation of data analysis results.
- Conclusion contains general findings, implications, limitations, and recommendations.
Only relevant citations should be included in the Discussion, while priority should be given to explaining the results of the data analysis.
First Page
- Title
- Maximum 20 words in English
- Concise and straightforward describing the contents of the manuscript
- Writers' name
Full name without title, institution where the author works or studies, correspondence email and Orcid ID (if any).
- Abstract
- Maximum 150 words in Indonesian/English with Cambria font, size 11, single-spaced.
- Concisely and straightforwardly explain the research objectives, methods, participants, results, conclusion, and implication.
- Keywords
Keywords are usually related to the main research topic, research context, important concepts, or main variables or objects of study. Author must write at least three words or phrases, sorted alphabetically.
Second Page / Contents
Author should write the reason why the research is being conducted. This chapter should provide an overview of the urgency of the issue being researched both factually and theoretically. This section should also contain:
- the state of the art related to the topic under study (as cited from primary and recent sources);
- knowledge gap;
- the researchers' arguments related to their attempt to close the gap as the research contributions to the scientific advancement;
- research objectives and hypotheses/research questions.
This section should be maximum 20% of the entire manuscript.
- Research Design
- Describe the design of the study .
- Authors are also expected to justify their decision to choose that particular design by adjusting it to the objectives/hypotheses/research questions.
- Participants
- Describe the criteria for participant recruitment and the demographic characteristics of the participants (e.g., age, gender, education level, etc.).
- Describe the sampling technique used. It is recommended to justify the sample size a priori (by calculating it based on the intended statistical power and the least detectable effect size).
- Indicate whether the participant has given their informed consent before participating. If the research was conducted without obtaining their informed consent, authors must explain why.
- For research involving participants under the age of 18 years, informed consent must be obtained from their legal guardians with due regard to the participants' assent during the data collection. Otherwise, authors are expected to include an ethical clearance obtained from a research ethics committee.
- Measurement(s)
- Describe clearly the author's strategy for measuring all research variables.
- Include the form of the scales and the response options in detail. In addition, include the results of the reliability and/or validity estimation (if any).
- Describe how the scores were calcualted for analysis (e.g., by summation, averaging, etc.).
- If authors conducted assumption tests (e.g., normality test), include them in this section and describe them in as much detail as possible.
- Data analysis
- Describe the statistical tests or other data analysis techniques used by the authors.
- Also include the software used and its version.
- This section should cover only maximum 20% of the entire manuscript.
- Special Notes
- Clearly report everything that the researcher did when conducting the research so that this section allows other researchers to replicate or verify the study.
- Do not report what was not conducted and do not leave out important details. Avoid definitions quoted from methodology books.
- Authors are strongly advised to adopt the #OpenScienceprinciple, namely by pre-registering their study or by providing public access to all research data and study materials. Authors can use popular #OpenScience portals such as the Open Science Framework (OSF).
- For qualitative research articles, this section may be a bit different. In addition to explaining the characteristics of the participants, the authors also need to explain the characteristics of the researchers that may affect the process of data collection and/or collection. In addition, the Method section may be longer than that in quantitative research articles because authors may need to explain the process of data collection and analysis in sufficient detail.
- For case report articles, the contents of the Method section are different. The "Participant" section may be replaced with a "Case Description" section. The "Research Design" is also not needed, but instead, the authors should include an "Intervention Procedure" section.
- Quantitative Research
- This section should include relevant quantitative results in line with the hypotheses or research questions. Descriptive analysis as long as it is relevant to the research objectives can be included in this section.
- Tables, charts, or figures should be made with the principles: 1) facilitate the reader's understanding of the results according to the data analysis used; 2) relevant to the research objectives; 3) created in accordance with APA standards.
- This section should cover maximum 20% of the entire manuscript.
- Qualitative Research
- Describe the findings (e.g., themes, categories, or narratives) along with examples of the analysis process leading to those findings (e.g., excerpts of data).
- The Results section can also contain illustrations (e.g., diagrams, tables, models, etc.) as long as they are relevant and useful in explaining the findings. Photos and links to videos can also be included, if necessary.
- Case Report
- In this section, the authors can report the results of the descriptive statistical analysis and hypothesis testing (if any). For studies with a small number of cases, statistical test should not be reported. Instead, intervention effectiveness can be analyzed using visual examination of graphs as well as effect size calculation techniques (e.g., PND, PEM, etc.).
- This section should provide the main meaningful and substantial interpretations of the results that are coherent with the research objectives (either hypotheses or research questions).
- Discussion contains an explanation of the findings (interpretation of research data), comparisons with findings from previous studies, and their relation to the state of the art.
- It should come to the conclusion that the study adds new knowledge pertaining to the knowledge gapas its contribution to the scientific advancement .
- This section should cover maximum 30-40% of the entire manuscript.
- This section includes the following: 1) general results and implications that are coherent with the research objectives; 2) Practical recommendations that can be made by certain parties related to the results; 3) Suggestions for future research relevant to the findings and limitations of the study.
- Conclusion and suggestion should be no more than three paragraphs.
- The referencing styles in INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental refer to the American Psychological Association (APA) style, 7th Ed, 2020. Authors are required to use a reference manager to facilitate article quality control. One of the recommended softwares is Zotero. You can use ZoteroBib: Web-Based Reference Library Management Tool. Please avoid using the built-in Citation and reference features of Ms. Words.
- The reference list contains everything referred to in the text that comes from relevant sources:
- at least 80% up-to-date (last 10 years); and
- at least 80% primary (mainly from journal articles that have been indexed by reputable indexing agencies and have a DOI).
Statement on Funding Sources and Conflicts of Interest. This section contains a statement to explain the source of funding (name of research funding agency, year of funding, and grant number if applicable). Please include all details required by your funding agency and grant as follows:
- For single institution grant. This research was supported by [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].
- For multiple institutional grants. This research was supported by [Funding Agency #1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency #2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency #3] under Grant [number xxxx].
Data Availability Statement. Author is required to provide a data availability statement, which contains details of the source of the data obtained and how to access the data. If the data is not available/inaccessible, the author must include the reasons. Data owned by authors is recommended to be uploaded on OSF, Figshare, or other open science platforms.
Figures. Figures should be available with adequate resolution (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour, at the correct size). The format should be in JPEG/JPG/PNG.
Tables. Tables should present new information, not duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.
The author declaration form of Statement on Funding Sources and Conflict of Interest, Data Availability can be accessed here. Kindly upload the completed form in pdf.