Mothers as Caregivers of Children with Hydrocephalus: Struggles in Poverty and Compassion
Hydrocephalus is a heterogeneous and complex condition in terms of its pathogenesis, symptoms and
psychological implications for the sufferers and their families. Having a child with hydrocephalus in the
midst of low economic conditions is a complex journey for a caregiver. This qualitative research with a
phenomenological approach focused on the subjective or psychological experience of mothers as the
primary caregiver for children with hydrocephalus. From a social foundation engaged in support for
hydrocephalus, two participants were recruited with low socioeconomic status and were able to
articulate their subjective experiences from the moment they discovered their child had hydrocephalus
to their daily involvement in providing care within economic constraints. Results showed that in order
to survive and accept reality, the two participants and their respective husband must experience not
only personal, but also communal or social emotional struggles So far, they had been able to maintain
care for their child with hydrocephalus owing to social support from fellow parents and family.
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