Expectancy Violations on Perception in the Residential Setting: An Experimental Study
Perception is influenced by four factors; beliefs, values, social influence and expectations. Expectations which affect perceptions are divided into two; expectancy violations and expectancy non-violations. There is a difference in reaction time in perception when expectations match and when they do not match with reality. Treatment was given to a group of 78 college students, in the form of giving perceptions and expectations. Within participants post-test only design was used to see the difference in reaction times of the two treatments. Expectancy violations have a significant influence on the perception time of the participants. This can be caused by past experience which formed expectations, as well as the room layout in the partisipants' own residence.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yasmin Nursyabina Bakri, Izzatush Shafa Aina, Amira Rasyanda Alifa, Keshia Ezra, Zharifa Anisa Widiyansari, Wilis Srisayekti, Risa Dwi Ratnasari

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