Anthelmintic Potential Extract Mango Gadung Seed (Mangifera indica L.) Mecistocirrus digitatus in vitro
This research aim to attest the potential anthelmintic extract mango seed gadung (Mangifera indica L.) against worms Mecistosirrus digitatus in vitro, the study also aims to determine the effect of immersion time, variasis concentration and the relationship between time and treatment. this study used 210 M. digitatus worm extracted regardless of gender worms. treatment that is given was the concentration extract mango seed gadung was 5%, 7.07%, 10%, 14.14%, 20%, negative control using NaCl physiological and comparison using levamisole Hidrokloride 0.0025 mL. Observations death worm Mecistocirrus digitatus and observations were made at the 6th hour, 12th hour, 18th hour and 24th hour. The results showed that variations in concentration, soaking time and the relationship between soaking time with the treatment affect mortality Mecistocirrus digitatus worms. Test results of the analysis statitistik using factorial Anova and Duncan's Multiple Range Test showed a significant difference (p<0.01) between the time factor, variations in concentration and relations between time and treatment.
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